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Everything posted by Omnijobs

  1. My only complaint about loot spawning is it never spwns in apartments from what I noticed, but I know it will be fixed in futur updates so I'm enjoying all the usable features the game has to offer. If I get bored I can just hop back onto the mod and do more.
  2. It was such a unique experience for me and the first time this has happend to me so I thought i'd share. I have been playing Dayz for atleast 7 or 8 months now, I wouldnt say i am really good at the game, but i can make my way. This play started like many others, I spawned in elektro and decided to do some looting. The server was fresh after a restart so i figured id find some decent gear. I started by checking the industrial area where to my suprise I found a working 4wheeler. I decided to leave it where it was while I looked for gear. i found a hatchet and toolbox in the surrounding building along with some spare parts for my new ride. than i made my way to the pub, unfortunatly it mostly had trash inside at the moment so i moved on to the marcket than the fire stations while i waited for fresh gear to spawn. I did not find much in either stations so i made my way back to the pub hoping for a map or a fresh set of clothes. I did not find either, but to my suprise i located a shiney can of mountain dew. this being the first time for me to ever find one, and being a devoted fan of the drink i ofcourse took it and kept it in my pack. Ofcourse I have hear all the urban legends about the drink but being sceptical of such superstitions I threw caution to the wind. As soon as I grabbed the can and tried to leave the to back room of the pub i was attacked by three zombies who never made a sound as they traveled through the building. It took three hits to kill the first i assume glitching prolonged the pack leaders life and allowed him to injure my. once I dispatched the other two i bandaged myself and wrote it off as bad luck. After leaving the pub it seamed as though every zombie in town had been buffed and knew excactly where i was, but i trecked on. i rechecked the firestations where I obtained an m16 than went to the hospital and filled my inventory with medical supplies.(because one day I would like to be a hero skinned medic.) Once done I decided to make my way back to my new 4wheeler. I loaded the vehicle with the supplies and started to make my way out. While trying to leave I had to cross some tracked I slowed to a near hault crossing and yet my ride still flipped. Now i was becoming worried. things were starting to go wrong. The game was not allowing me to flip the 4wheeler. I tried and tried but nothing. zombies started to attack again. I placed my gun in the 4wheeler than used my hatchet to defend myself. once done i had the idea to repair the engine than tried again. this time it worked. Me being exstatic and feeling lucky i decide one more trip to the northing Elektro firestation. I take sniper hill and am imediatly gunned down. my body looted and ride stolen by to players who think they just hit the jackpot. They thank me for the ride and ride off to god knows where....... 30 minutes to an hour later i see their names as killed. I am now a beleiver in the acursed dew and in the futur will drink imediatly.
  3. Omnijobs

    Nightmare on Dew street.

    A buddy of mine found canned muffins today. He was downed and killed by a zombie at the NWAF that spawned infront of him and taht knocked him out in one hit.I ofcourse died trying to save him.
  4. Omnijobs

    the mysterious creature

    I do have a theory. and althoughI I do beleive the first picture is photoshopped, I beleive the two white lights are infact stars shining through the woods. I have notice many times while traveling at night that the ground ahead has yet to render and I can see stars perhaps these glowing dots are nothing more than a section of the night sky? i will be spending time on night servers to test this theory and investigate. Let it be said a crazed monster would be way more terrifying and much more intertaining though.
  5. It does often feel like everyone is KOS nowadays but when me and my comrades hop on we usually watch nearby players and if they seem friendly we will make contact and offer assistance. if they seem hostile we try to wait for them to open fire before we retaliate.