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Everything posted by Hatchet_Reloaded

  1. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    Can't believe it after all that effort last night it's still coming up with a bad time value error. maybe final :00 isn't required?
  2. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    Haha just looked at my quote above and noticed where I've been going wrong and how it certainly won't work. I didn't add a delay! It's actually quite simple but only now I've realised my mistake haha
  3. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    Pretty sure this has sorted it.Not witnessed the server restart warnings yet but all the other messages now work fine. Hopefully it's sorted now. Thanks for all those who helped :thumbsup:
  4. Oh and Dominic has now added lots more structures to our Hunger Games / Battle Royale Island area :)
  5. Ok I've finally redone the Schedule file so the rules appear every 8 minutes so there's no complaints for any new people on to not know. All new spawns now enter the game with a MAP so they can see the green highlighted area for the GreenZone. I haven't witnessed a server reboot warning come up yet as the next one is due for 11:30pm and I'm off to bed but I'm very confident now that it is working properly. FizzyT - Matt
  6. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    The loop confuses me. Maybe that's the issue lol (Just swapped them all to 0 to see if it runs a full cycle)
  7. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    Nope the messages still don't appear on the server,Restart is operating fine.
  8. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    Well I thought it was sorted but apparently we still don't have any of the server messages coming up. I'll double check and report back here after 6pm.
  9. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    I love you,Been looking for the answer for this for ages.
  10. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Schedule File Issue...

    Probably good to also know it used to work perfectly fine all up until our last server update for the new dayz patch. Tried 4-5 different Schedule files and all restart but don't run the messages :(
  11. Hatchet_Reloaded

    whats your favorite gun for slaying survivors

    I love the AKM, (FizzyT posting under our Server's Account) I find it accurate at pretty much all ranges and does a hell of a lot of damage to a chopper if you aim in the right place. Ammo is quite plentiful too :)
  12. 30MINS TILL THE START!! of battle royale!! Come and join. More players the better. Tents can be provided to store your gear
  14. BATTLE ROYALE/HUNGER GAMES EVENT!! just another quick post to remind people of the battle royale event taking place on the server tomorrow at 8pm (GMT) Every one welcome. new players or long standing :) please try to get on server 15 minutes early so we can sort things out. everything will be explained in more detail befour the battle begins. if you dont wish to join in but wish just play dayz on server it will still continue as normal along side the event. thanks and hope to see you there :)
  15. battle royale on Skalisty island! this Saturday at 8pm (GMT) every one welcome but slots are limited to 30 so join early to guarantee a place :) Winner gets a Dayz weapon and vehicle of there choice. the weapon will be added as a custom load out for 5 days!! so when u die u will have it on re-spawn Rules: 1. No hackers!!! 2. once killed no returning to island until end of event. 3. kill or be killed! :) players will need to be ready and on server 15 mins early. would be great if you could head to island but if not then admins will transport players to the island. admins will place weapons around the island in crates and also randomly drop them around island as well and its your job to find them as you will start with nothing. the match will last as long as needed but if lasting to long then hints will be given over side to players locations. admins will be present and some may even join in. others will be spectating players and making sure rules are followed. hope to see lots of peeps there :)
  16. Heya. Server is looking good. Lots of new players as well as lo g standing ones. So if your looking for a fun server with active and helpfull admins and a good bunch of players come in and try. Every one welcome ;-)
  17. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Zombies Vs ATV's

    When you hit a zombie at speed in a vehicle they explode.Their teeth are like shrapnel lol
  18. Hatchet_Reloaded

    Kicked from every server?

    I find using DayZ Commander sorts all my issues as it's much clearer to see what version you are running against what versions the servers are running.Plus you can manually update/reinstall patches when ever you want.
  19. Hi millzo You were found in possesion almost all the guns on arma2 on a single person. I do not need to check the logs for this as it was seen by an admin and a screen shot was taken. We do not tolerate hacking of any kind on server and if a player is found to be hacking the an instant ban is applied. If we do not have enough evidence of hacking we will then check the logs and look deeper i to it but on this occasion there was no need as you were cought by an admin. We dont like to ban players but players that use hacks ruin the game for legit players and it is unfair. If you wish to contest the ban then please send us an email at hatchetreloadedteam@gmail.com And i will be glad to listen to whst you have to say. Thankyou The hatchet team
  20. Dogs are now on the server. kennels have been placed around the map and you will hear dog barking when close to one. all you need to do once you find one is waid until the dog spawns. once spawned you can then access the commands by scrolling you mouse wheel. Dogs will attack zedz and bark if a player is close by. Dogs will also get into vehicles with you.
  21. thnkas. we try our best to make it a good server to play on and to make things more interesting for players :)
  22. Ok the train script seemed to work but was somehow causing issues with people joining the server or worse their Arma 2 OA would force close to desktop. With this in mind Dominic has disabled the train script and straight away he was able to join the server without being kicked or having any force close issues so we can only presume it was something to do with that. Play on.
  23. its great to see some new names poping up in the server :) if you havnt yet tried the server come in and give it a go. lots of interesting stuff to play about with as well as friendly admins :) hope to see you in game soon :)
  24. Server now has a working train!!!!!! :) the train starts at the beginning of the track in berezino and goes all the way to kamenka with lots of stops in the middle. it also has working train noise and will low its horn at stops and at main roads. if the train hits you, you will die! to get onto the train you need to climb on the flat carriage and then half climb the ladder I have added to it. if you let go of the ladder you will drop from the train. at the moment this is the only way I can get a player to stay on the train as its a static object and not meant to move