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Everything posted by Huntedwaffle

  1. Huntedwaffle

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Age : 18 Dayz/Fps Experience : dayz = 5-6months FPS = 7 years Why do you want to join? : Been playing a long time with just a small group of friends, wanted to be in a bigger group. Where are you from? : UK How often do you play? : Varies... depends on Uni work. If I dont have any I'll be on.
  2. Me and a few mates are looking for a British clan, or a group of mature players to team up with. We've been playing since July, so we're not 'noobs'. We tend to play as bandits but are open to what ever play style as long as its a laugh, and also serious when needed. We prefer the original dayz map to the newer ones, but again open to play others.