Hi. I am playing Dayz on linux with wine. After some patch on Battleeye a while back in oct. wine users got an error/crash when connecting to battleeye servers. So now i am stuch with servers with no BE, and usually that means lots or only hackers. I was wondering if someone would be so kind to make a Linux/wine friendly (EU) server with whitelisting and battleeye turned off, with admins banning people reported for hacking. I know this is allot to ask, but it took me quite a while getting Dayz to work and even longer to figure out the battleeye problem. I would really like to play Dayz without hackers porting me to my death every 10 minutes. I know there are other players like me out there, and i do hope someone will make this server. could add some sort of donation function to the server if thats needed, I just want to play. Please keep this post free from Linux VS Windows arguments. That used to be funny in 1997. My best regards to all of you survivors out there, and please help us geeks get our clean fix! Frost.