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Everything posted by xen3000

  1. xen3000

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Hunters use them, the military would use them in cold climates, they can be bought at certain stores, and hospitals have them for hypothermia related emergencies.
  2. Thanks! I do wish you luck with organizing this and hope to see a "Publik's Arms Exchange" in a server soon. Hopefully a better identification mechanic is introduced so people who are on a shit list can be recognized from a distance.
  3. In Dayz's current state this is likely not going to work. Too many trolls that want to ruin it for the fun of it. Too many sadistic players that want to see others suffer. Too many bandits being greedy. On top of that players server hopping will teleport in grab stuff and leave the server. There will never be enough to satisfy everyones greed. I think a large clan or group with a preexisting hierarchy has thepotential to take over, hold and regulate an area. Maybe something like what players do in Eve. But right now the server hopping would ruin even that.