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Everything posted by Rivy

  1. Rivy

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Uh... okay. Exploit:
  2. ^Then I hope they find the balance between words popping up saying "You've got a new disease: Cholera !" and "What the f**k is wrong with me I already took 5 different antibiotics and I'm still coughing ?!". This new addition has huge potential for endless frustration, let's see how well it fares xD
  3. Just to clarify, I'd love this as an alternative game mode. I wonder if those who dismiss it because it's not "the real deal" would be okay with that.
  4. But nobody will ever "research" anything (not even opening wikipedia). We will just check the DayZ wiki. That kind of makes it pointless. ^edit: regarding the post above: I sometimes play games to have fun and other times I have fun because I'm immersed in a game, be it scary or whatever. Having to check wikipedia to know how to cure something, to me, breaks that immersion a lot, which makes the whole thing a lot less enjoyable. I'd rather have some text books ingame that you can pick up and read (even if they have text taken from wikipedia xD). On the other hand, I feel that pooping is like sleeping, an activity that could be immersive if everything ingame was in real time (eating and drinking and fatigue too), but that can't be properly implemented because we can't spend 24 hours a day in DayZ.
  5. When I looked at that inventory "screenshot": sudden gamegasm. Like... daaamn, dude, too cool for words.
  6. Yeah who do they think they are trying to teach us stuff ! xD
  7. I hadn't seen this thread before ! I really really like this idea. It has a Children of Men vibe going on. I'd think I'd enjoy this game mode :beans:
  8. Rivy

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Don't remove weapon variety :3 (Just get rid of thermals)
  9. Rivy

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Far fetched much ?
  10. I cringe every time someone says that.It couldn't possibly be more wrong. No other game offers what DayZ offers, L4D is fast paced and lasts 40 minutes, Dead Island is an rpg (ish) and Dead Rising is... Capcom. It would be more accurate to say "for PKing people could play arma2" (but I know that is not correct either). There is no other real open world zombie survival out there (and hey, some people like the zombie survival part instead of playing Mad Max). Just stop saying "go play XXXX game", please >_>
  11. Rivy

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    I just wish they'd add a binding ingame for this :P It's not lazy, it just sucks having to keep your finger on the W key for 5 minutes. If you enjoy doing that you have some issues :T
  12. Uh... that's not why Minecraft isn't on Steam. Besides Minecraft has been out of beta for ages. Any further updates are just that: updates.
  13. Rivy


    Yes ! I would love being able to ride horses in dayz !
  14. Rivy

    Darkness at night

    I know how it works, but we should be able to run (or crawl) and keep it pointing ahead. We also have two hands... I don't see why we can't hold it and a pistol at the same time.
  15. Rivy

    Darkness at night

    Sure, if our avatars grow a brain and hold the f***ing flashlight still.
  16. Rivy

    Darkness at night

    Yeah I agree it does get extra dark at times (it's supposed to be a game after all). I guess it'll be fixed in the SA. It's as if Xzibit had come and put some darkness in our darkness.
  17. Yeah I agree. It would help so much with the tedious task of (e.g.) going around in a Sedan looking for parts for the Pickup Truck. Just park next to the Truck and cannibalize the car. We shouldn't be able to salvage the body though. Wheels, engine, windows, fuel tank. And rotor blades for my bike.
  18. I do agree that they are silly right now. The only reason why they can be a threat is because of glitches (either their movement, them detecting you instantly for some reason, hitting you through walls, etc). Once that is fixed zombies won't be a problem for most players, which means they need to be improved. I don't agree with instakill bites since these are punching zombies: I mean, the fact that zombies try to bite in close quarters is the reason some characters can survive such encounters in zombie fiction, if they just tried to kick and punch the shit out of those guys they wouldn't get away with pushing the zombie back by the neck, but I digress ! They could be tougher vs bodyshots, more numerous and whatever it takes to make them a threat after the glitchiness is removed, but they should still be predictable and not cheap (1-hit kills). Oh, also when zombies hear gunshots they should start moving in the general direction the sound came from... not go straight to you through walls. What are they ? Oblivion guards ?
  19. Dammit, now I have to open up ArmA2 and learn to fly this...
  20. oops double post please delete it, mods :T
  21. I like it with a few conditions ! Cars should have keys. Yeah, a new item :/ You should be able to break the window and get in the car, and then you should be able to hotwire the car (if you had a toolbox I guess). You should be able to dismantle cars. (If you park it on the bad part of Cherno you come back to it and it's on 4 cinder blocks :P) Maybe zombies should be able to punch you when your are inside a car if the windows are broken (the bad side of stealing a car by breaking the glass). Lockpicking should be used to open the trunk too (gear).
  22. Most important of all: they should never explode unless hit with an RPG. It's a silly and dated mechanic (GTA lol !). If a car is wrecked it's wrecked, you can't repair it anymore, but it doesn't make any sense that it explodes. And all the stuff in it shouldn't just be destroyed, some of it might... make it random or something. Think real car crashes :/ Also, fix the collisions with crap on the roads: "Hey look I bumped into a wheel on the ground and all my tires, my engine and my fuel tank are red" or "What did I just crash into ? Oh, invisible hitboxes". Bicycles too, make it so that they don't go RED when you hit a bush at 5km/h. Vehicles are suffering from major glitch issues that only work against the player. That was balanced by the auto fix (one huge bug in favor, lots of bugs against), but now that it's gone vehicles are usually more hard work than they are worth.
  23. Rivy

    Unarmed slot.

    Yes :3 (but make it faster to switch weapons please, I don't know anything about guns and I know I could do it faster)
  24. Hell yes. And add booze to the game so we can mix meds with alcohol like real men do ! xD