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Everything posted by n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

  1. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    uk 5 locked

    Its already been verified. GL
  2. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    uk 5 locked

    First, im not the OP Second, im not the OP Third im not the OP Fourth, I don't play on your server. Nor do I care if you lock your server and break the rules.
  3. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Uh. lol It IS my server. I administrate my BOX....I maintain the updates. It's my server. As such, I will ban people for using a KNOWN exploit. What is so hard to understand here? I think you need to re-read this.
  4. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    uk 5 locked

    Actually been a more then a few servers been locked for awhile. How does one "fast grab vehicles" when the server is on debrief and hasn't even started the game? Please' date=' do elaborate. Wait, where the hell are there vehicles to fast grab anyway? [/quote'] Everyone knows the vehicles was reset. Plenty of reason for people to lock servers to find spawns.
  5. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    US 28 Chicago 22/US 27 Chicago 21 Locked

    Still both locked... been about 10 minutes So whats the deal here?
  6. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    uk 5 locked

    AQ trying to fast grab vehicles
  7. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    The one and only: Hackers rustled my jimmies thread.

    Battle Eye is Battle Eye no matter what. The difference is that regular Arma II servers run on a separate dedicated server than DayZ. Having the benefit of one global database increases the chances tremendously of finding hackers and banning them.
  8. n_nussbaum@hotmail.com

    The one and only: Hackers rustled my jimmies thread.

    Ive lost tons of gear in the past 3-4 days to this shit too. People bashing the OP need to realize the frustration people get from fucknuts who go around griefing people. And the OP wasn't demanding anything he asked to please fix the hacking. We all know its not that easy. And the data collected right now is going to be very useful in the future as I see a lot of butthurt hackers in the near future not able to join any Arma2 games. Right now they are bypassing BE, but its all still being logged. Infact, this dev team has a handle on hacking more so than most dev teams out there. Im sure it will be taken care of in time.