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Ixnay Hombre

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Everything posted by Ixnay Hombre

  1. Ixnay Hombre

    <F.E.A.R> Clan

    Aha I remember this. I was in cherno and ran up the stairs while I noticed a fear member tailing me. I went prone in a room and as he went up the stairs I unloaded all the bullets on em. He killed me but I killed him to >:) dumb bandits.
  2. Ixnay Hombre

    Shared Map Locations? O_o

    Yea I learned that the hard way. "Camp here" -___-
  3. Ixnay Hombre

    Turn the Tables

    tell it again
  4. Ixnay Hombre

    Killed by a tree.

    All my beans.
  5. Don't be pissed that I killed you in your UAZ fair and square, you don't have the right to slay me. That shits NOT cool. /vent Why are admins such dickheads? I mean seriously, why is this? I can't wait for a standalone game with pre-made servers so this shit can't keep happaning -_-
  6. Ixnay Hombre

    To the admins on US 1042

    Ugh, no ones familar with admins command. 'Slay' means he uses a little menu to select my name and click "kill". Non legit kill, all legit rage.
  7. Ixnay Hombre

    Traded a bad gun...

    Bad trade imo
  8. Ixnay Hombre

    Dear ADM Clan of US #500

    lol What pussies
  9. Tell me, since you have nothing better to do, do you think Rocket will create a new map? Or keep the same one? And tell me why/why not he should/shoudn't create a new map. Or not tell me, you rebel.
  10. Ixnay Hombre

    M9 SD...

    inb4causeFUCKYOU Uh cause it requires special ammo. Fuq da poliec?
  11. Ixnay Hombre

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    Oh, you must be such a badass> (take my beans)
  12. Ixnay Hombre

    battle loggers

    Rocket's already on it mate, hold on their!
  13. Ixnay Hombre


    Dose bugs
  14. I went into the school in Elektro(Oh boy, here we go) and I heard a guy consume a soda, so I stationed ready to fire. After a few minutes I said in direct chat "I know you're there." We exchanged words and he asked for a blood transfusion, I accepted and came up slowly with my gun lowered. He had an AKM. I gave him a blood transfusion, and after words he said "Thank you, needed that." and shot me many times in the face. All I had was a hatchet. Is this evil?
  15. Just found a laser marker, what is it?
  16. I was heading towards NNW Airfield with my m107 and tracker binoculars or w.e they are, looted em off of a dead guy in Cherno. I havn't experience with this rifle so I lay down in some bushes to watch the sniper tutorial by Ace, when I start getting fired on. I spam M1 not knowing WHERE he is. I start bleeding out, but I regain consciousness and bandage myself. It appears my attacker was RIGHT INFRONT OF ME. Litertly, I proned RIGHT behind him and didn't notice. So guy in US 1550 or whatever, i'm sorry. I didn't know. I was later guned down by some guy who came from infront. My adreline was pumping so hard my hands were shaking. So, what was your most scary/suprising experience?
  17. Ixnay Hombre

    Dear bandits, is this 'evil?'

    Thanks for good answer.
  18. Ixnay Hombre

    So...how the helicopter spawn works?

  19. Ixnay Hombre

    So what's your DayZ soundtrack?

    Jamacian music on low and blink 182 or the Offspring
  20. Your post made me want to watch porn, just wanted to say that. Back to the op, sure i'll do the trade. Stand in the middle of Cherno for me and stand real pretty.
  21. Ixnay Hombre

    Is this a bug?

  22. Ixnay Hombre

    Luckiest Find Ever!

    Sure I do. Stand in the middle of the airfield and wait for me to meet you! (lol)