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Everything posted by Simmon

  1. Simmon

    kicked script restriction #41 once I log in

    I'm still getting this problem on many servers. Hit and miss really. There's another thread here with a list of servers that might work for you.
  2. Quoting myself here just to say I was mistaken that it works for me on "all servers" after having joining that DE server. It just happens that the two servers I tried afterwards last night also worked. For example UK355 also works. However DE2659 which I just tried now continues to kick for 41 script restriction.
  3. Fixed it for me, now works on all servers.
  4. Getting Script restriction 41 on every server since patch.
  5. Simmon

    Guerilla Warfare Tactics

    Beans for the intro
  6. This. It's debatable if the dev team is smart enough to know the way to reduce deathmatch mentality while staying instep with the sandbox vision, is to vastly increase/improve the PvE aspects like hunting rather than increase bandit punishments like there already i.e. a slow running pace. Bad aim, getting thirsty/hungry faster, louder footsteps and other such gamey efforts are no doubt on the cards for SA. This won't make an iota of difference to those who play "deathmatch" (or AKA players with RL friends / no interest in role-playing with strangers i.e. evidently the majority) who will continue to play their style. Unless PvP is just removed that is.. The Guerilla Warfare Tactics thread (at least the introduction part) that is also in the Suggestions section right now, is an indicator of what really excited people at the prospect of DayZ and what keeps the happy gamers continuing to game rather than whine. However it does appear that Rocket will go with satisfying the "softer" audience, shall we say, so the OP will get his wish and see a much more gamey nice-guy-apocalypse product. Then some badass is gonna come along make an Arma 3 post apocalyptic mod with only wild-game and humans to sustain one's stomach. It will be sandbox once more. There will still be loot building, hive and perma-death, because that is the part about DayZ which sets it apart from other "deathmatch" games. It results in tangible loss, with the accompanying adrenaline rush, every time a fire fight breaks out. This was really the key to the ongoing success of the mod for the wider audience.
  7. I think he made a legit succinct point. Bongofish has his knickers in a twist so much because he can't play pretend and make friends on a pooter game, so he comes online and rages.. revealing an ignorance that actually "psychopaths" are our presidents, CEOs etc.. and of course they breed aplenty and are not hunted and killed but rather served under. Serial killer would be a better nomer for what he is saying, although they are usually from higher society and fathers/mothers (hence have passed on their genes!) It was all a non-pointer by someone who sucks at DayZ the video game and seems to expect not to pass on his own genes perhaps. I think someone needs to go ahead and make a DayZ concept mod for Arma 3, but without zombies. Take out nearly all food and put in cannibalism. Now we have a legit historic reason to KOS which is what is always gonna happen in a video-game with no rules.
  8. Simmon

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    The best part about how it annoys you is how it will never change. You need to get real friends or just accept the loser ones you made here and get back into the game and just accept how it is.
  9. Simmon

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I didn't get more than a few lines in. You need to learn how to be more succinct if you want to treat readers like a flock of sheep and preach. Work on your spelling too. You insult people a lot yourself so try not to self-contradict so often during your rants. I was apt in my diagnosis of your mental condition and aptitude as you even write as through I am in a face to face conversation with you, but I am not. In other words my answers are coming from your head. It's not rhetoric on your part, it's just borderline personality disorder. I just want to know why you aren't playing the game? What's your deal? Waiting for standalone to make this game Stalker single player? You are always going to be whinging, crying and preaching by the looks of it.
  10. Simmon

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I'm just too old and wise to take any of that seriously. Take your complex into the game perhaps? You seem to be regulating thought on the forum more than the game. I guess you just get your ass kicked hard in the game and have little recourse but to preach on the boards. Your psychological problems are obvious to anyone with a clue and your immature imagination shines through. You are a nobody. Do you hear me? A nobody on a forum. Get a life. I will always shoot every player I am not skyping with. I don't give a damn if I die either. So cry me a river kid, I don't give a damn.
  11. Simmon

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    You ought to do DayZ a favor and take that dangerous pseudo science sociologist bullcrap elsewhere. Anyhow not everyone is able to role-play Rick Grimes out in the woods in this mod, least not for more than a few days. Some of us like PvP games. The mod is boring as hell without shooting players. You'd just be constantly shot at anyway. And I got enough real friends playing this game. Most the people you meet on random direct chat are squeeky little kids. No thanks. You can try to use DayZ as a social network, others will use it as an advanced version of Doom.
  12. My first experience and kill in DayZ was in Elektro city, although I didn't even know that at the time. I was bleeding from something or other and only armed with a hachet. I bumped into a player on the roof who proceeded to bandage me. I was skyping at the time with other friends in the same server and literally exploded with laughter as I whacked this guy a few times with the axe. It was the most novel feeling I ever had in gaming even though it looked quite "taccy" GFX wise. I had to recover my breath for some time afterwards. So no I didn't feel bad. There hasn't been another opportunity since :(
  13. Simmon

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I'm detecting superiority complex amongst other mental instabilities on your part the more I browse this forum. I just checked out your signature as well. I can't imagine what issues you are compensating for through all this, but you aren't fooling me. Stalker is that way. Get over yourself role-playing overly-sensitive preaching person :)
  14. Simmon

    Wild birds and their use in game.

    I tried to hunt many birds near the start but I figure you can't. It would be excellent. Also the sounds and movement of birds to give away players would be good atmospherically. I remember reading a book written about the Vietnam War which said that a lack of insect or bird and other animal noises indicated there were humans in the area more often than not. In the future who knows how realistically the Arma guys can recreate all of this it just blows the mind.
  15. Simmon

    A few questions about being a bandit

    Nobody is up north, head to Cherno amigo
  16. Simmon

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Settle down. It's not a waste of time to me I find it both funny and excellent practice. I don't care if it gives me away since I even fire my gun from in buildings to attract people to the area. And I don't give a damn if you have a problem with any of that. You are a nobody to me. Who seriously has feelings towards their character? It's like getting killed in any PvP except more fun for exactly the reason you build up loot. You preachers are way off. But go right ahead.
  17. Simmon

    Fishing off Death Mountain

    Funny pictures Killjoy, the bike jacking was the best. What's your SITREP now? I am concerned you may have been killed and then Real-Life died from weapon attachment loss syndrome :) I used to snipe on the coast for a while when I had an AS50. It was an effective training method. Actually I learned best how to avoid being killed by snipers myself by watching the difference in how (unarmed) victims reacted under fire and the consequent difficulty for me to shoot them. There was also plenty of time to adjust for height and distance because I wasn't under fire whereas I was always getting uncontrollable adrenaline in fire-fights before that and it wasn't getting anywhere. I thought it was just the Arma engine being uncombat friendly at first but it just takes practice to deal with the realistic dimensional aspects of the environment. I practiced in Arma on computer AI set to run but it's just too easy and players react in a totally different way. What I learned online was that players who ran using the mouse to turn were significantly harder to hit than those strafing sidewards. The easiest players to kill run directly or diagonally by stafing. When a round hits the floor near you it should be the distance you try to increase, rather than lateral position. Anyway since coming back for .3 I have been doing the usual city combat and maintain the lessons learned during those valuable exercises over at Kamenka ;)
  18. Simmon

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I will shoot anybody armed or not, they are just gonna get a gun and shoot me otherwise. And it's funny as hell too. Guy above is too sensitive. If you are feeling bad about killing people on a video-game you have to be a pussy for sure.