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Everything posted by MaxFischer

  1. MaxFischer

    New aggro "rules"?

    Does anyone actually understand them? It sounds like they are messed up from what I am reading, but what are they supposed to be? I think the new changes are interesting, but I find dayz unplayable right now because I don't even understand what I can and can't do as far as aggro goes. I used to crawl my ass through town and populated areas. sometimes I would screw up and they'd be on me, but just now I was prone with a friendly fellow survivor, and a Z aggro'd on him. We had no ammo, so we tried running. I fell behind, friendly was dead, I saw them eating his body, and then all Z's on me and him vanished. Then in my search for food and water, I was on the top of a building I somehow got into without aggroing any Z's...and all of a sudden I see three on the ground stop their normal animation, and bolt into the building. I'm fine with harder, but this is just plain confusing. Is this being fixed, or does anyone know how to actually navigate now and can help me out? Thanks!
  2. MaxFischer

    New aggro "rules"?

    And how exactly do you lose them now? I've tried hiding in building, slowing them down with buildings and running, etc. I wanted to play today, but I think I'm going to wait until a hotfix. Mostly becuase I haven't found any food or weapons in the past 2 hours of dying/searching/respawning.
  3. I believe all spawn points were reset. This has happened on a lot of servers to a lot of people. At least I kept my gear...