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Posts posted by excitable1

  1. Trades should be conducted on low pop servers


    I will lay out the six step process for you.

    1) bring friends with mosins

    2) have a friend hold most of your gear

    3) watch the player list, any influx of players should be met with suspicion

    4) make it clear that both parties will meet without weapons in hand

    5) conduct trade

    6) return to treeline and wait for trading partner to log out



    If at any point your trading partner initiates a hostile act, the friends with mosins execute.


    friend with mosin up in tree's...finds your sniper..shoots in head....shoots you in head...double the gear..good idea

    • Like 1

  2. i was a little dissapointed when the brim of the cowboy hat was curved up. Always a sign that the hat is saying something rather than doing something - ie protecting you from the sun.





    this is the hat i was thinking of, a fucking mans hat. 


    please define a "man's" hat....

  3. Lemme guess, you like that John Wayne idea of cowboy.malways riding off into the sunset with the boys, spending time around the campfire with the boys. Sleeping under the stars with the boys, going into town with the boys, ignoring women so you can drink with the boys. See where I'm going here?

    Also, no "cowboy" alive or dead, could of carried a Canadian lumberjacks jock, jack.



    more time with the boy's i see...


    see where I'm going here?


    besides...most cowboy's have female horses.....lol

    • Like 1

  4. The BF4 and CoD kiddies have cried out loud and as usual the Devs have listened.

    ....now that those stupid kids have stopped reading this post...

    More than likely they've increased spawn rates for balance and bug testing, once they're happy with performance they'll lower the rate again.


    I hope so.


    just way too many guns now. 


    running around for 20 mins should not net you 15 - 20 guns.

  5. Hello there


    A FAR FAR FAR better idea would be to put it in the bug tracker.


    Discuss it here by all means, but if you want something done, report it the right way.


    "Same Here" is not a discussion.


    Discuss or I'll close.





    thats too much like thinking.

  6. yes i want to be able to sit in the woods and melt some iron and craft a gun..... :rolleyes:


    let me rephrase to this.


    unless you are a machinist/ gun smith you would be totally lost and would build a gun that would most likely blow up in your face.


    would you know the difference between heat treating in water vs oil?

  7. Hello there


    Why is this "lazy" feature and if you guys think so, what would be a viable alternative?


    I dont mind folk not liking the system but lets find possible alternative solutions to push to the devs.






    the only people that dont like it are the server hoppers and combat loggers.


    is it a bit of a pain?    sometimes...


    if your in a server for awhile you can get into another right away...no problem at all...

  8. look harder..


    if doors are open when you look, chances are the guns are gone.


    between neaf and the new town north east of af there are tons of guns.


    there is only a handful  of buildings they spawn in, but most of those have at least 2 guns per building in them.


    I currently have a sks, m4, pistol and a sawed off shotty.

  9. You should have just posted there.

    OR if you were that needing of attention, why not only include the highlighted parts you commented on?


    attention of the next patch was my intention.


    yes, i could have posted there, but some that dont look there would like to know about it.


    so far people have left constructive posts...guess its time for the trolls.


    also if i wanted attention i would just post a whine post about something nobody cares about.

    • Like 1

  10. I really can't wait for those sewing kits, I think I'll be spending even more time on experimental for now. Some of the fixes to known issues are nice too, like the one where you will sometimes log in some distance from where you logged out.


    its already a running simulator.


    now it can be a sewing simulator also....lol



    ahhh Rocket.. promoting health AND life skills.

    • Like 3

  11. was reading the patch notes for next week...looks promising.


    • Animations: Ruger 10/22 hand pose
    • Animations: It's now possible to blend directly between various gesticulation states (pointing,finger,greeting...)
    • Crafting: Can repair clothes, weapons, and items using specialist items (such as sewing kit)    this is a awesome feature.
    • Gear: Configured sewing kit and its recipes
    • Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket
    • Gear: Added Cowboy hats to the loot spawns (multiple colors)
    • Gear: Added Sewing kit to the loot spawns 
    • Gear: Added B95 and 762 speedloader to loot spawns
    • Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket
    • Gear: Added durable leather jacket to loot spawns
    • Gestures: Thumbs Up gesture added with default F7 key binding
    • Server: Optimization of synchronization of textures/materials (minor improvement to server FPS)
    • Systems: Falling now causes dynamic damage (roughly, fall of >5m break legs depending on equipment, >15m probably death)  this is beyond awesome and is long time needed (mod and here).



    original here



  12. They do spawn in random locations.  I've found M4s in the houses with pianos in Stary Sobor,  an SKS in Solnichniy, and the colt in Dolina.


    Yes chances are HIGHER they're there but you can find them anywhere.

    i`ve found them pre patch in piano house but not since.. could have just been my luck though.
