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Posts posted by excitable1

  1. This got me curious, so

    1,000 people each year from falling down the stairs, this is no-longer a bug but a feature.

    Ladders injure 30,000 a year and kill 6,000

    could only find professional stat's for falling from tower's tho and that was 70 across the us in from 2003-2007 (Canada had 1 for the same time period)


    does not count.....it was an american that fell...... :lol:

  2. They must have grossed $40m plus.


    as it sits now according to the site it sits around 45 m.  that does not factor the higher priced package. 




    also to the topic...


    I prefer private hives.. you get to know the other players and can sometimes work out trades and other things with them..where on public hives you would not usually.

  3. My opinion? Sure you could survive without a backpack, but ultimately you are allowing vanity to affect your chances in game.


    Now that said, if I have a choice between a hunter backpack or a mountain one, I'll choose the hunter purely because it blends in better. This isn't about looking good but more blending into the terrain better. I do hope that somewhere down the line there will be the ability to use the spray cans on the backpacks as the orange mountain backpack is a serious camouflage killer.


    very well said

    • Like 1

  4. OK.. Chernaurus is FICTIONAL.


    All you fucktards screaming realism, in a made up, fictional thing, such as a zombie apocalypse need to go back to cod.


    why not go play some wasteland if you want this type of game play?


    A fictional apocalypse is whatever rocket deems it to be..HIS vision..not yours, not mine.


    although this community can sway rockets idea's somewhat... this one just plain sucks.....sorry OP.

  5. Fairly long post, divided by colors. Cyan is the Story, Orange is Background for a feel of what we are about, pink is after-thought info.


    1,so we look through the walls and we see 6 guys

    1. I walk up to the prison do the 3rd Person look through walls trick


    2, DO NOT SPEAK IN-GAME messages or they will know we are the clan of this server and we will be KOS


    3,Needless to say, in a situation like this we would have normally logged out

    1, you admit to using glitches.


    2, you just kos'd ..whats the difference?


    3,so your a useless combat logger....


    so the whole point of this is what?


    your crew uses glitches you combat log and you kos then bitch if someone wants to kos you?

  6. I hope it stays so, because Mosin is very overpowered, atleast they should nerf it a bit like they did now.


    1 shot 1 kill  especially when it has 5 bullets is stupid.


    wow, we're really going to start a nerf a 1 hit kill gun?


    zomg a 7.62x54mm bullet is op..



    pro tip....every gun can 1 hit kill.

  7. I have been trying to be a nice player from day 1. I helped new players, fresh spawns, etc, I acted as a traveling salesman trying to barter with people the items I collect from up north, and generally just trying to be a goodguy helping out the fellow traveler.






    I'm sick and tired of dimwitted, unimaginative douchebag fucktards who's only joy in this game is to murder everything/one that isn't them.


    I saw a lone traveller in Zelenogorsk just a few minutes ago and was hoping to trade some items as I had loads of medical supplies. I call out "ahoy traveler!" and I get shot in the back from his buddy. Im now unconsious. I say Im a friendly just looking to do some bartering and they reply "well we arent."


    This isn't the first time. I've been murdered in cold blood countless times because I try to be nice and helpful and trusting. I was obviously naive.


    I'm joining the darkside and I will now murder every single mother fucker I come across with extreme fucking prejudice.


    I tried hard and long to be a goodguy and it just isn't fucking worth it.

    well. you DID share your items with them.


    just a few more then you wanted to.

    • Like 3

  8. Easy there troll boy.


    Glitching tents was overrated and very hard to do.


    The cure was worse than the disease as it made it impossible to legitimately hide them from heli whores.


    All this sounds like to me is another tard that loves his EZ mode. Let me guess - 3rdperson4lyfe..... lol

    sounds like you're trolling.


    what does 1st person or 3rd person have anything to do with this thread?

  9. This will be equally uncomfortable for you to read friend, I am a married man. My wife was an aspiring model in her youth but she has now looked after by her adoring husband and only has to worry about her next vacation. Gaming is fun but looked to your loved ones for the real inspiration of life. Sure I can dominate a computer game but hey - its just a game. Peace to you my friend.

    when in reality1250631314-cartman-wow-sunder.jpg

  10. -no it doesn't. At the very best it is a deterrent: it doesn't solve combat logging, and doesn't stop determined looters (just slows them down).


    you can never stop looters .. this is a way to slow them down, as you pointed out.


    and no it does not solve combat logging, but, say I was in combat situation, wanted to log out...well now I must rethink that idea as I am still in game for 30 seconds.


    yes, its still possible, but with a cost.
