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Everything posted by excitable1

  1. excitable1

    Glitched and Cant get out. Help Please....

    I really hope it was a fair sized hole in the wall.. :lol:
  2. excitable1

    So where ist the loot respawn?

    sounds like a rant, not a question on the state of development towards loot re spawning. I doubt anyone here except the dev's could give you a realistic answer as to when this feature would be in game.
  3. excitable1

    So where ist the loot respawn?

    try running AWAY from the coast.
  4. excitable1

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    pretty sure your camp would be empty.
  5. excitable1

    This is what THEY think of US!

    i prefer the banana....as i dont hide it in my back pack........ :D
  6. excitable1

    If you get shot at what do you do?

    die or run away....not too many options when you dont know where they are.
  7. excitable1

    Hot Keys are not responding.

    sure its not sticky keys? i use one keyboard for gaming and the other for....errr well....you know.
  8. excitable1

    Steam- Dayz won't launch.

    well you have to purchase dayz to be able to play.
  9. excitable1

    cheat or glitch using or wtf ever?

    douche bags will use anything to get an advantage.
  10. excitable1

    Quick Question

  11. excitable1

    Glock 18 just out of curiosity

    awww someone goggled it.
  12. excitable1

    Glock 18 just out of curiosity

    you think murica is going to send troops to russia in the event of a zombie Apocalypse? if there is no oil america could care less.
  13. excitable1

    Blaze B95 Rifle

    feels like a gun.
  14. excitable1

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    if you want to play 1st person on a 3rd person server who cares. the server gives you that option, you play as you want without breaking rules it comes down to YOUR choice.
  15. excitable1

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    zomg i have to hold my finger on a button for 4 minutes..... is this the most exercise you get? shit i cant run and eat these Cheetos's at the same time.... WTF.
  16. excitable1

    Glock 18 just out of curiosity

    that is true. but everyone wants american gun's in a soviet state.......
  17. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    all the better for searching there for them. you can never safeguard from people doing this, same with exploits and glitches. spending a hour running a server you think has hidden tents is kind of fun..and finding a camp or 2 is even better.
  18. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    also though....spots that are easy to find get raided first. most people think relatively the same...a easy spot is the first place i would search.
  19. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    i don't think that's what he means (hope not)
  20. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    tents like the mod remain after a player log's out..thus the I found your stash and robbed you. it would be the tent you drop on server A would remain on server A.. join server B your tent is not there. if it was hive wide there would be tent's everywhere. plus it gives an incentive to stick to one or 2 servers.
  21. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    ty very well said.
  22. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    so then please use the search function before you spew out nonfactual crap that you only assume has been covered "1000 times" just because you dont like the topic gives you every right to say " covered a 1000 times or its alphhur"? so by your standards a good idea someone has that may not be "your" idea of how or what might be good in this game is just a shit idea and the poster should be ridiculed and flogged?
  23. excitable1


    not so actually. the mod allowed for tent storage on a public hive.
  24. excitable1

    addition of tents.

    then you also dont use the search option either...
  25. excitable1

    Did they nerv the weapons?

    also check your gear....no doubt somethings are now ruined.