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nandom (DayZ)

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About nandom (DayZ)

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  1. Hi. My name is Jonathan and I'm looking for someone to play DayZ. I'm not too experienced and I'm not fantastic at shooting. But I can play quite well. Add me on skype : jonathan.de.raedt
  2. Really interested skype : jonathan.de.raedt
  3. -Name: [RSB]Jonathan -Location: Belgium -GUID: 00077d4ef797d64a1a852b2ee61e4985
  4. nandom (DayZ)

    LF bandit buddy :D

    I have added you.
  5. nandom (DayZ)

    old post

    Name: Jonathan in-game: Jonathan age: 16 country: Belgium skype id: Nandomz1 steam id: [x] | Acsanzi experience: A week (I learn very fast) skills: Sniper, scouting, regular stuffs. prefered role: Sniper , scout , medic
  6. nandom (DayZ)

    Looking for a Dayz squad.

    Nevermind found one.
  7. nandom (DayZ)

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Age :16 Dayz/Fps Experience : 8 Hours of dayz and years of fps. Why do you want to join? :Because I feel too vulerable alone. Where are you from? :Belgium How often do you play? :Whenever I have a team.
  8. nandom (DayZ)

    Looking fer group

    Add me on skype : Nandomz1
  9. nandom (DayZ)

    Starting a group of 5 people!

    Age (15+):16 Where are you from (Europe):Belgium From 1-10, how experienced are you:1 What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: Come back and try to loot my corpse. Can you follow orders and tactics:Yes How long do you play dayz:4 hours Other stuff about yourself:I'm pretty new but I've seen lots of videos. Do you have a mic and skype:Yes I do.
  10. nandom (DayZ)

    New guy looking for team.

    Still looking.
  11. nandom (DayZ)

    {DeF} Clan Recruitment - AUS/NZ

    Name: Jonathan De Raedt IGN: Jonathan Steam Name: acsanzi Email: jonathan@acsbaits.nl Age: 16 Country: Belgium Bandit, Hero or Survivor?: Just started out What kind of role do you like to play(Infantry, Sniper etc)?: Something not to intensive. Maybe a medic or mechanic. Reaction when killed in PVP?: "Oh f*ck I just died. Where do we meet up again?" Reaction when betrayed?: Mad but I can live with it. What can you bring to the group?: Well since I'm new not much (yet). I learn fast. How often do you play?: Weekends all day. Normal days from 5 till 11 pm How long have you been playing?: 4 hours Do you have teamspeak?:Yes. Do you have Skype?:Yes. Do you have a Mic?:Yes. Are you in a different clan/group?: No. Not really. What would you do if you saw a clan member betray the group?: Report it to a supervising member. When are you available to play?In the evenings. Question or comments?: Don't be harsh on my sometimes i have a laggy problem. And I'm new as i said.
  12. nandom (DayZ)

    New guy looking for team.

    Still looking. Looking for someone rather new also.
  13. nandom (DayZ)

    New guy looking for team.

    So I barely know the game but I've been told its way too boring alone. And yes it is. Anyone who wants to play with me? Add me on skype : Nandomz1