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Everything posted by Котовский

  1. Latest beta-patch is absolutely crap. In most realastic shooter Lee Enfield cartridge clip now looks like SVD mag, 12 caliber cartridges and revolver rounds look like pistol mag, and finally DMR mags like CZ or M24 cartridge. Arrrggghhh!
  2. Sniper from my team says that DMR damage is reduced depends of range (in last beta-patch). Few times he could'n kill a player in 700meters with 3 shots. I googled and found on some board that people discovered DMR takes only 3000 blood on 700m. Does anyone confirm that?
  3. When our hoser Vilayer released update for us. Maybe this weekend. PS. Why are you posting by large color letters?
  4. Barry its absolutely great!! Is it Hops at 1:03 on the roof? :)
  5. lad in the middle with MP5 looks like him. :)
  6. Panda I would like to make a report. Details Location: Electro hospital roof Player: VICEY Subject: Ghosting/server hopping Time: 13:25 Attachment: screensots Player VICEY is a server hopper. I killed him in Electro school from the top of the hospital. He returned in 10-15 mins, came up to me, lay down and disconnected. In 1 min I saw him climbing on my ladder and could manage it (got his burst as well but alive). Please see attached pictures below. He defenitely changed server to get his stupid revenge. You can clearly read it in logs.
  7. Ryan we wonder about second glitch too. :) Some people use it for killing roof campers. They get into it and wait restart. Then they enter server asap and if see campers are still offline (it visible from the glitch), they get upstairs and kill campers on log on.
  8. Yeah some people get into other hospital glitch. :) They get into it and could see what is going on the roof.
  9. Ryan there is lot of ppl who are taking hospital roof. Sometime it's going one team killed another and if you are member of third group or independant you never know who you fighting with. Few days ago about 6 ppl atacked us and occupied top roof, but other player who tried to get it and were killed still crying that we killed them. From my side I can claim that my team don't use glitches and don't relog.
  10. Confirm Rauk words. Panda I've sent PM as well.
  11. Barry where is that promised video with firefight for hospital roof?
  12. Panda, does location in new server specs mean you rented dedicated server not purchased? You are in UK I thought.
  13. Terrible lags. :( Popularity is going to ruin this server.
  14. We noticed lighting switching at 16:20.
  15. I know Barry, I've spent four years in UK. :)
  16. Googled from my own brain mate. :) It reminds me when people from east coast call entire Great Britain - England. :) Some of them don't even know there is at least three more countries except England. :)
  17. Europe is geographic definition. Continent Eurasia is devided for two parts: Europe and Asia. Borderline is somewhere on Ural Mountains in Russia. http://euro-map.com/evropa/fizicheskaya-karta-evropy.gif EU is economic and political union includes western countries of Europe. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/europe_map.htm
  18. Hmmm Panda.... I knew that education in UK is not really good, but difference between EU and Europe.... Are you kidding me mate?? :)
  19. Panda is geography genius! It is part of Europe actually but not of EU. :)
  20. Barry would you post a link for that video? I'm a human rights activist, I want to see how your department treat suspects rights. :)