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Everything posted by Котовский

  1. I'd love these features: Zeds spawn while in vehicles. Ability to flip ATV's Zeds now have the ability to pull you from open vehicles
  2. Probably Cipher confused with this new update: https://github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZMod/blob/master/Documentation/Changelog.md
  3. Hacker's party tonight! Panda help!!!!! WL is off.
  4. 12:13 GMT, Message from admin: mooooo. Two options: Panda is pissed or admin bar is hacked.
  5. Why not? Infrequent unexpected restarts are more challenging for players who are looking for top weapons. Now we've got about 6 scheduled restarts, all top loot is easy to get. Anyone who wants AS50 can get it. Top loot must bea a real value. Plus we get server defended by WL.
  6. When server going to "great"restart, WL is off. If Panda offline you will play with hackers. I suggest turn auto restarts off untill WL will move to server side.
  7. Panda, cancel auto restarts. Do it manually when you can. Server doesn't need to be restarted every 4 hours. If you leave it as is, we will get hacker atack every day.
  8. Panda you have to put some script to your desktop to turn WL on. Really hard to play seriously when server defendless.
  9. TP? Arn't you that guy who combat log out at helicrash near NWAF? If so, it wasn't TP, I've heard you shooting in Vybor. I just been waiting you at helicrash. Be careful, shooting M14 is far too loud in night time.
  10. Great news, Panda! Random restarts are even more interesting.
  11. Good job, Panda! Isn't ammo regeneration issue fixed yet?
  12. I think loot spawned once after restart (weapons at least).
  13. Agree, perfect! Nice to play again!
  14. Sounds like I died from BNS Chris. AS50 and tp behind my back.
  15. Panda, did you ban him just 'coz of being teleported? This morning many ppl were TP by that hacker.
  16. Sure it's going to be ok. Oscar's hacking is just guessing of two guys who died from hacker. Logs will show the truth.
  17. After I died I spawned at Kamenka with broken legs and bleeding, without any gear. My character can't die properly, spawns again in same shite. Maybe data base is hacked again... Panda, can you wipe my character pls.
  18. No problems, Panda will check logs and unban you.
  19. Cheers mate! My lads just informed that bastard spawn lot of gears in boxes, then TP and kill. They suspect Oscar or Flapman.
  20. Think I saw hacker this morning 10:00 GMT in the field 500mtr south from Grisino. I headed to NWAF and spoted somebody running next to me (I always look around and he arise somehow behind me). It was dark night, I've got NVGs. He has nothing even any weapons. I stopped, he comes up to me and looking at me face to face. :) I preffered to log out. Panda, if you have time please take a look on logs. Server wasn't whitelisted this time and some damn teleporter could enter.