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Everything posted by dilu_das_minas

  1. dilu_das_minas

    Server Whitelist(Urgent)

    Good Morning, Vilayer rented a server to 7 days and up to now the server did not appear in the list, what's wrong about it? I feel that this one there negligence on your part, because Vilayer said already placed your order and so far he did not appear in the list. What should I do? I await answers! Thank you
  2. dilu_das_minas

    Server Whitelist(Urgent)

    I will open up a ticket in any way thank you :)
  3. dilu_das_minas

    Server Whitelist(Urgent)

    And they say it is with you, what should I do now?
  4. dilu_das_minas

    Server Whitelist(Urgent)

    I rented a Villayer Dayz Server with a private hive about seven days ago, but it still doesnt appear at the game serverlist. The players have to conect with the IP. So, I talk with Villayer's guys, and they say that its up to you to put my server on the list. My server is this: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Thanks for the quick response!
  5. Someone would have to respawn world_vehicle table for use in servers hfb, I deleted ... : ( thank you
  6. dilu_das_minas


    When a vehicle is destroyed, it returns to its original place after restarting the server?