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About netchayev

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  1. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    I've just uninstalled my drivers and Gforce experience ( which optimizes my games) too see if that had anything to do with it. Sadly no, I tried with the drivers my computer installed on its own after the startup, and also after I updated to the latest. Still the players disappear into thin air
  2. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    Deleted all my cfg files and verifyed my game. Still can't see shit.
  3. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    I did some stalking again to see if it had gotten any better. http://imgur.com/z5uaoBU,ekSEGgv#0 On the first picture; The yellow circle is a zombie, they render up to 600-700 meters when I zoom in it appears. The red circle is a player The red line is where the player would disappear even when im zoomed in. The second picture was taken a split second before the first, its the exact same moment, expect I'm not zoomed in.
  4. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    I tune up 3D performance in my config to 1500000. Anti aliasing has always been on high. I've tried playing on 88%,100% and 200% resolution. 100 works best but many of my friends play on 88%.
  5. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    I envy you. I still don't understand how it is possible for the problem to persist even when I reinstalled the game. I have been suspecting that my monitor might be the problem here. That it does not render the pixels, what do you think ? I have a Acer G245HQ. I will try with a different monitor tonight when I've got time, but I am not positive I will get results.
  6. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    Tried lowering the settings as you said, still nothing. I just did a test. When I scope in with a mosin and a LRS I start seeing players at about 900m. When I zoom in like normal they have to be around 400 m away from me for me to see them And for me to see them without zooming, just by looking around, we have that golden 250 number again.
  7. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    I've got 16g RAM and 2048 mb dedicated video memory. Not sure if thats what you ment. My graphics card is Geforce gtx 770
  8. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    Funny thing, I added a tech support who works on the dayz team. He said it was probably a bug, hows that even possible? Anyways, I reinstalled dayz on steam and deleted my cfg file. The problem is still there. Just to give you an idea: http://imgur.com/Q9XKG7U On this picture, my friend is standing infront of the big red building by the train tracks. As you can see, I can't see him unless I would scope in. I don't even see a pixel walking around, theres nothing.
  9. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    Also, I can't see through windows if I'm further away then 50m. They simply go black, and the whole house is not looking so crisp and is very faded. But if I zoom in I can see through the windows again.
  10. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    No results, My friend plays on 88% resolution and I play on 1920x1080 (100%) resolution. Might that have something to do with it, I could also play on 200% without my screen getting messed up.
  11. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

  12. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    My viewdistance is set to 3000 objectviewdistance is at 2500
  13. netchayev

    Players disappear after 250m

    I've had it on Very high since the begining.
  14. I can't see players if they go further than 250m away from me, unless I zoom/scope in with my weapon. My friends can see people more then double that distance. This makes the game very hard to play, anyone got any tips on how to fix this ? I've already tried mixing with my settings and in the config files but nothing has worked. I have a pretty good computer so I don't think it has anything to do with my PC.
  15. netchayev

    yet another FPS issue... :,(

    I have the exact same problem. Let me know if you find any solution, I feel like I've already tried them all.