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Everything posted by DaysOfDoom

  1. DaysOfDoom

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    (kicked off server- banned scripts:battleye) <- This means one of three things: your running scripts i.e. your a hacker and they banned you for running scripts, they banned you even though you did not run scripts, or their script restrictions are too sensitive and you got auto banned for running a script that this allowed. Oh, and I just found this in like 30 seconds http://www.ausarma.o...-bannedscripts/ apparently the anz servers have been having this problem.
  2. Please actually read my previous post so I don't have to explain it all again. I get it, you only know the letters abc and reading all those words makes your head hurt but you can do it! Yay litteracy! Oh, and how does this concern you? Thats right It doesn't so why don't you go away.
  3. I take it you didn't read my previous posts, so Ill explain it again. I am an ADMIN TOO. The reasons we were banned are not on the list of bannable offenses. Food if you were to ban with as little evidence as they presented I would support someone reporting your server for admin abuse. My fellow admins and I spend hours every day going through our logs to improve our script protections to stop hackers and spend lots of time making sure the actually have logs to the supposed hack. We even go further than only logs, we make sure to get pictures or at best videos of the hackers using whatever hacks they may be using because we understand that the DayZ dev team is very strict about who you're allowed to ban. I am unable to go on DayZ for the next few days (personal stuff) but when I come back ill make sure to attempt to get into your server and If my friend time and I are banned you can count on me reporting your server. Admins like you make me sick because you don't give a shit about the actual rules and make admins like me and my team look bad. Admin abuse is a real problem and so are hackers and exploiters, so maybe instead of banning people for not breaking the rules we should work together to actually stop this shit. Oh, and a side note yeah I did combat d/c but I attempt to be as careful as possible when moving and I was getting shot through a tree so thats why I combat logged, I wish I had my fraps running at the time so I can upload a video of it but I didn't. Guess what else would be nice, if the US 366 admins presented more evidence than just a log screen cap of one illegal weapon. You know like a vehicle or weapon spawn script log, a teleport log or even the slightest shred of evidence that I ghosted. Know what evidence of ghosting would be? If I logged out after time was shot and then logged right back within a few minutes, but guess what I DIDN'T. During the time I was supposed to be ghosting I was up on the hill north of our base looking for time's shooter with my gun, but you don't care about that Food. You hear admins say hack and ghost and you immediately believe them. You are a bad admin, you should be with us requesting actual evidence from them not just taking their word over ours. Last thought, if you ever saw someone appeal a ban from an NWO server there would be a mountain of evidence supporting the admins not just hearsay and one log. We make sure we have solid proof before banning and even if we know who is hacking but can't prove it we don't ban because thats not the way it works. So please, mind your own business and learn how to be a better admin.
  4. This is interesting because in the server host rules it does not say you can't ban for d/cing during combat, can you please show me where rocket has said this sorry if I don't believe you. Oh, and how does this ban appeal apply to you? Are you an admin on 366? I know your not one of the people involved from my squad. So how does this concern you and if it doesn't why are you posting in a thread about a ban appeal that does not concern you in the slightest?
  5. I just noticed that you have banned me too for dc during combat and ghosting. I am now going to report your server for admin abuse because I admitted I d/c'ed during combat but I did not ghost and not bannable offences.
  6. He doesn't have to prove he was not hacking you have to prove he was.... You know the whole innocent before proven guilty,
  7. Not a bannable offence.... learn the rules before you reply to a thread that does not involve you.
  8. Hey, this is Daysofdoom first of all you are not allowed to ban for the reasons you said you banned him. Please refer to this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1251-want-to-host-a-dayz-server-read-in-here/ most important part "Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc." The devs will allow you to ban hackers if you have proof i.e. logs and video of the event. Having a hacked weapon is not a bannable offence because you can't prove that he spawned it only that he had it and as timeftl said he killed some one with it. combat logging is not bannable Offence btw. Banning for those reasons as Vertisce pointed out can get your server black listed, I would recommend that you reverse the ban ASAP. I am a part time server admin on a different server and we are really careful to make sure that we have 100% solid proof before we can ban a hacker.