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Everything posted by kidesh

  1. kidesh

    Altar Traders

    Does anyone have the code to place traders in Altar? I have the Mod for traders at GM and Kumyra but would like one at Altar, I have seen it on other server. Cheers
  2. kidesh

    Insane Bugs

    WOW! This is unreal I can't believe they done this....
  3. kidesh

    Maybe they've got friends!!

    Having some fun on the PARA-UK server.
  4. Thanks for this awesome server!!
  5. kidesh

    Server owners only!!

    Hi, Has any server owners had any crashes recently with this in their logs? I have tried all different websites(including bohemia) to see the fix and asked my server host but I have not had any help yet.
  6. kidesh

    Hunger and thirst

    So is there any way to slow down hunger and thirst? I have been looking and nothing really has came back. I was gonna try a mod but was wanting to do it without.
  7. kidesh

    spray paint

    Don't think so, I was looking though my types.xml for them but couldn't find them
  8. kidesh


    Why would they add it if it doesn't support it ....🤣
  9. kidesh


    So years ago you could use the Bipod by pressing right click the deploy. But How do you do it now??
  10. kidesh


    Em yes they are. I just picked one up and attached it to my tpg-1
  11. kidesh

    Server lag

    Defo BTs fault hahaha. I am feeling laggy on my PC as well as my Console 🙂
  12. kidesh

    Server lag

    Which host are you with? Plus most lag is down to your own internet
  13. kidesh

    Adjust Thirst and Hunger Values of Foods

    So I was wondering if anyone knows if we can just adjust this as the other answers here are not 100%. I would really like to adjust the hydration and food as you eat and drink far too much.
  14. kidesh

    Gear load in and zombie gear

    Hi, So I want to change my spawn in gear to say more drinks and food, where can you change this? Also would like to change gear on zombies if you can. Cheers
  15. I am not 100% sure but in your type.xml you can find the animals and maybe up it there. Am still kinda new but hope this helps. <type name="Animal_BosTaurusF_White"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>1800</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type>
  16. Have you updated the steam update on your control panel and updated all your mods?
  17. kidesh

    Gear load in and zombie gear

    I just took the codes form the types.xml and then added a few items to the init.c Thanks
  18. kidesh

    Explosive gas and gasoline canisters

    Here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1787431165&amp;searchtext=explosive+gas
  19. kidesh

    God Mode

    😂😂🤣 My bad,I forgot this was out on console
  20. kidesh

    God Mode

    Play on a better server were owners are not admins just players. Take a look at this one. Its new and no god mode PARA-UK-Start-7/7/19|PVP|++Loot|NoStam|AdvWeap|TacGear|AutoRun
  21. kidesh

    Gear load in and zombie gear

    Thanks. But I was just asking where you change it as in which file. When I got there I could see how to change it. I just need to find a item list to add what I want.
  22. Hi guys. I am looking at making a server can anyone give me good advice like who to get it off,how to edit and how to edit. cheers
  23. kidesh

    Looking at making a Server

    put more ammo and guns and helos and cars. on chenuraus
  24. kidesh

    Just sarted

    I have just started playing Day -z and it a great game. But when i start a game...once i get on one i start the game as if i am hurt or bleeding out. ive been on other servers and tis doesnt happen but just sometimes it does, does anyone know what is going on and howto stop this.