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Jars (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jars (DayZ)

  1. Jars (DayZ)

    Implement a leveling system

    If there were to be ranks , such a thing would happen within your "playing group" with other team members having to witness and confirm your feats of courage and survival , or how many zombies or enemies you have killed , or how much you have helped your friends out , etc etc . No one else is going to care , or even know what "rank" you are , or how noble , or how selfish , other than the people you play closely with , so it's probably something best left to the player to work out , rather than a game mechanic that every one must be subject to .
  2. Jars (DayZ)


    I am warming to the idea of cannibalism in the game , though it should be a relatively risky thing to do , more of a last resort and prolonging the inevitable , than a long term strategy .
  3. Jars (DayZ)

    friendly fire should be an option on servers

    I sense some play style punishment occurring in this thread . How could any one who is for 3rd person server options , have a logical argument against friendly fire server options ? Having said that , playing dayz with friendly fire off makes the game almost pointless . How do you know who is friend or foe ?
  4. Jars (DayZ)


    If safeties could be implemented easily without fuss , for those that want to use them , why not ? I can already see people being blown to bits , or having their face eaten off as their gun "misfires" . "SHOOT YOU BASTARD ........ AAAAAAARRRRGH !!!!!!" Oh , the safety was on , derp , may bad !
  5. Jars (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Hopefully , if the game becomes more about , "I am hungry again , where the hell am I going to get my next meal from and how much ammo will I need to get it" , camping on top of a hill with 5 shots in your 50 cal , just won't put food in the belly , and won't really allow you to get more with ease .
  6. In a nutshell , ideally the desire to survive should be paramount , even at the expense of your gear , and incentivized somehow .
  7. Jars (DayZ)

    Make it harder to kill both zombies and players

    This guy is right . There is no good reason not to shoot people . But it isn't the guns that are the problem , it's the games other "problems" which make sniping easy . These being , third person mode ( pretty , but ridiculous ) , peripheral dots ( just plain ridiculous ) crosshairs ( make the sniper rifles more powerful at close range ) and the unfortunately necessary mechanic of zombies only spawning within 200 meters of players . If these "problems" are solved , and it becomes a matter of actually getting eyes on a target before you know they are there , then sniping will be much harder than it is now .
  8. Jars (DayZ)

    bird hunting

    No one ever shoots birds with shotguns , do they ? This would make the double barrel shotgun much more useful than it is currently , and isn't a bad idea at all .
  9. Jars (DayZ)

    Hiding Bodies Fix!!

    Using bodies as a barricade or wall , 300 style . How big can you get your pile !
  10. Jars (DayZ)

    Should zombies only walk ?

    Zombies are fantastical , supernatural undead beings reanimated by "magic" or some sort of "evil or malevolent force" . Infected , are humans that have been "infected" by some sort of biological "virus" , and are not actually dead , therefore they are not really "zombies" as such and don't necessarily follow the completely arbitrary rules which govern zombies from stories , movies and games . The difference is , they are both fantasy , but one is at least based on some sort of scientific premise .
  11. Jars (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    No crosshair is far more desirable , and reduces the effectiveness of sniper rifles at shorter ranges and close combat , giving the assault rifles a bit more of an advantage . "Shooting from the hip" can still be performed fairly effectively at very close range with no crosshair , but it will take out the certainty factor .
  12. Jars (DayZ)

    Night time should be toned down

    I think the night is pretty well done , with no ambient light sources around from towns or streelights , and if there is clouds covering the stars and moon , it gets REALLY dark at night . Clearly , the torch needs some work , but I am sure that will be sorted out . I think it has to be said , people hiding behind the "don't force me into your play style" catch cry , don't really help the debate .
  13. Jars (DayZ)

    Bandit passion

    What I am saying is , your interest seems only to lie in ways to cause further grief to players , above and beyond just killing them and taking all their stuff any way . But I wouldn't want to "punish your play style" , so who am I to say what is right or wrong eh ?
  14. Jars (DayZ)


    It's bad enough that every person just shoots on sight , there is no need to aid the griefers any more , and let them take large chunks of your time away .
  15. Jars (DayZ)

    Bandit passion

    Do I get to up the ante then , and build a prison so you can't ever escape , effectively rendering your character useless on whichever server you are playing on , until you starve or die of thirst ? Sounds to me as if KoS isn't enough any more , and you just want to grief as much as possible . Wouldn't you rather have the "Hug" mechanic , or the "Pat on the back" animation in the game ? How about the "Tip of hat" or the "Fist bump" , or the "Offer a posy of flowers" ? Unless there is a reason not to kill some one ( which there really isn't since people don't want thier play style punished ), and incapacitate them instead , why bother ?
  16. Jars (DayZ)

    Zombie Hunger

    They are humans with a horrible disease , that's basically what I take from it , so naturally without food , they will slowly cease to function , even as their body decays from the virus .
  17. Troll ? Must be .... surely .... it just doesn't seem possible to be otherwise .
  18. Which brings me to another random idea , human shields and perhaps some movable shield like objects , sheet metal perhaps , things that will slow you down intolerably , yet provide some makeshift cover in a pinch . Random I know . Also , I doubt that loot damage will decrease player killing , most people PK because they enjoy it , not because of any need to .
  19. Do we change roller coaster rides so people who feel ill can ride on them ? Do we change strobe lights in clubs because they can adversely affect some people ? Do we turn the music down at a rock concert because it's too loud for some people ? Do we pander to every whim of every person who has a real or perceived problem with something ? Fucking hell no . But in saying that , a game is defined by its rules , and if you want magical powers ( at the end of the day , this is what 3rd person view offers ) , I wouldn't have thought this was the game for you . I am quite certain that bottom line sales and peoples "fun" will result in this game still not quite being all that it could , even as awesome as it is .
  20. Jars (DayZ)

    Euphoria character animation in standalone

    That looks totally awesome .
  21. Perhaps you need to watch a few of Rockets talks and interviews . The game isn't necessarily about fun , and it sure doesn't care if it upsets people . Any extreme emotion experienced makes it more interesting , even if that emotion is severe frustration . Equipment damage would be a fine idea , making it a bit more of an effort to "secure" items from "enemies" . As for increasing zed agro range based on your humanity , that doesn't make sense to me at all .
  22. See a doctor if you're getting ill , you have some problems . I am not joking , I am being serious .
  23. If you get headaches from playing in first person , you should see a doctor as soon as possible , and ask him if playing computer games for 10 hours straight is right for you . You just need to apply consistent logic to the FPV vs TPV argument , and if you want to be able to magically look over walls and around corners , is there a good argument for me not to be able to jump 20 feet in the air and leap buildings with a single bound ? Perhaps even be able to sprint faster than a speeding car , that would make the game more fun for me too , but it's absurdly unrealistic . There is nothing wrong with the FPV at all , it just feels that way to you because you have used TPV so much for its obvious advantages and exploits .
  24. Jars (DayZ)

    Endgame: Extraction

    I kind of like to think of this game in the Dwarf Fortress sense , where give enough time , you will die , and there is no true end to the game except for death .
  25. Jars (DayZ)

    Stats Record Please!!

    Stats are terrible , I am not a fan of stats , they may / probably will , alter your play style from the basic need to survive , to a style which has something else to achieve . Anything beyond how long you have been alive is totally irrelevant in the context of the game .