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About Horr1d

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I hopped over some barbed wire in the stairwell of the air control tower, it moved me to the left of the stairs on the floor so I hopped onto the stairs. I felt something bad was going to happen when my leg, instead of landing on the stair proceeded to go through the stair, followed by the other leg and then my body. *CRUNCH* 10k blood loss, Bleeding, leg broke, game over
  2. Horr1d

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    Rocket makes me laugh, claims for ultra realism and yet allows server hoppers, near instant DC's, random spawning of zombies when below 100m away which breaks immersion and makes me feel like this is not a sandbox world, no body armour/helmet item, stupidly common 1 shot kill weapons and lack of decent melee ones, no rusty pistol etc. In a 0 player server, survival is stupidly easy, zombies, hunger, thirst and the elements are not a threat at all. The only thing I ever die from are bullets out of no where from the sniper rifles when looting high risk areas.
  3. Horr1d

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Slow zombies are miles better for gameplay, hands down. That slow, crawling death you know is coming but struggle to prevent. Fast zombies give only one emotion, similar to someone shouting "boo" at you when not expecting it. BORING after a few times.
  4. I prefer my solution that it takes you 10 minutes to logout fully of the server, you essentially "go to sleep". Would have people logging out in the woods instead of high loot places. You cant relog back into a new server until the 10 mins "logout" is over. -New item, Sleeping bag - Reduces logout time to 2 mins in the forest. --- Could work, as currently axe is usable only in forest. Will solve all issues and not bind one person to an account. -Also, should popup on the information screen "a player has spawned nearby" to explain sudden break in immersion that a man appeared like out of the terminator films.
  5. Horr1d

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    This is hilarious trolling. 1) You cannot rewrite core DNA and 2) Is changing sex really a priority in a zombie apocalypse? :)
  6. I never said I want to kill people all the time, I like to interact with people and finding encounters is going into a big coastal city and hoping im not instantly shot. Finding a guy with a microphone and teamup to do things, this I find fun but its hard to track players down, I averagely get 1 player encounter on 2 hours game time unless I go to a city! All the other times, I want to have fun and if I've collected lots of ammo, should be rewarded with zombies that are fun to kill. Zombies are easy to kill, I hate cod and if you knew me you wouldnt ever tell me to play it but I dont want a walking simulator if I'm carrying around a 1866 with over 100 rounds, I want to take it to them, not just run to a place where they all walk and take careful shots into their heads! If the zombies were a little slower, ran directly at you and didnt have such jerky animations, combined with them dropping ammo on average every 9th/10th zombie killed, I can have a much better time wiping them out, instead of having one spawn on me when trying to stealth. I dont care that other players can see me, come help me kill the zombies or try and shoot me dead, either way I'm happy you interacted with me. -- More tracking tools to help find recent activity. (footprints, examine function on zombies and players working, new items to detect number of players in a 3000m range etc) -- More realistic infected, agree its stupid to have them run 100mph outside and 5 mph inside, on a hill or pier. Average the speeds out and stop the zig zagging! -- Farmer zombies drop occasional shotgun round, standard ones can drop makarov. -- Id kill for better pickup/activate boxes on doors items. -- Some way of remembering players so I can run into/recognise old friends and enemies. -- More bikes! -- Graffiti / player journals. -- Zombies cannot spawn in an area 1000m around you. Anything else destroys realism and forward planning. -- 5 mins to fully log out of a server, 5 mins before you can enter a new one. (atm I will server hop to find a gun, evading zombies and searching is very tiresome)
  7. Zombies as they stand are not fun enough to play against for me and cause me to get bored with the game. Love the PvP and interactions with other players but they are sparse, most of the time I'm running on my own, through hills and forests with no indication of humans. When it comes to fighting zombies, I CAN take the slow, prone and crouch tactic if I have too, but sometimes a zombie will pop somewhere nearby (which breaks immersion) and hear me when I'm crouch running on grass (to speed things up, I dont have all day!). I play on 3d:off servers only so its more difficult to judge, I scout it out beforehand as I dont used 3rd person and a random zombie pop really pisses on my cornflakes. If I take the Hero badass method and try to kill my way through a town, the zombie movement is so fast and erratic the most efficient way to kill them is to pick them off from miles away, run somewhere where they are forced to walk, or if wide open, let them run into melee to get an easy shot once aggro'd. They drop way more food now to heal the damage so it doesn't bother me too much, and next patch when they fix the terrible leg break thing it will bother me even less. They are just not fun or exciting to kill at all and dont even drop ammo, all these farmer zombies and none of them have any shotgun ammo?! This discourages my Bruce Campbell army of darkness fantasy as it will sadly come to and end too early. If respawning now (with a new life) on the coast, I get all the zombies to chase me. Run into a building/hill where they are forced to walk, crouch walk out of LOS and go loot. Repeat. Do this until got enough to survive north, go north to known locations. Sometimes If I dont get a weapon in an initial loot location, I will log out in a place where a weapon can spawn and server hop until I get one. I will then look for players to talk to, or kill. What would improve the game x10 for me is more ways of finding people and improved zombies that don't judder around like a electrified 100m olympian sprinters! I'd love a common item like the hud thing from STALKER on the map screen that can detect if there is another player or not in lets say a 2500m to 5000m radius? More evidence of other players and perhaps footprints / tracks, doors still swinging if they were moved recently, dusty floors in loot locations? Bones of food and players empty coke/bean cans. Inspecting bodies of zombies to see if they have been hit with an axe, shot or none visible as examples of 3 states they could be in. I'm sure the ideas forum is littered with suggestions. You have the essence of an amazing game here just waiting to come out, add in the polish and those small details. Please have bigger capacity servers in ARMA 3! :) 50 average is too little for me!
  8. Read further down, 30 mins log out. 15 if you have sleeping bag.
  9. I think an idea someone had was that everyone spawns with a dog tag on. This has on it your name. To fit this in with the study body idea, an option will be there to drop the dog tag, then when you study a body the name is revealed if they have it still on or their name was unknown, if they removed it. Love the ideas for ambiguity regarding corpses. If they manually respawned, let it say "this player committed suicide"
  10. Horr1d

    Quit quit quit...

    Should when logging out, spend 15 mins in current location. Item sleeping bag will reduce this time to 5 mins. This will stop people logging out in high yield places, stop them insta quitting and cause more migration north.
  11. Horr1d

    Quit quit quit...

    Quitters are a total joke, I even had one guy ambush me and my friend in some woods. He killed my friend and instantly vanished when I opened fire on him, I waited for a few mins, then looted my friend only to have the original guy respawn back in and kill me too.
  12. Anyone else experienced this? When playing a brand new character, there is nearly a 100% chance that the very first hit I take will result in bleeding. This bleeding never heals on its own. After I have bandaged and am deeper into the game, then the bleed is back to normal levels. Anyone else feel this is the case?
  13. Yes, more options open to interpretation would be better than a flat time. I just currently hate seeing a corpse and having no idea how long it has been there, who it is or how it died!
  14. Going to bump this, as today I have had 3 players I've been engaging with log off either when they saw me, or when they thought they may lose the encounter. Its completely lame and broken. 15 seconds is better than instant, but I think 30 mins to an hour will be way better and a much more fun mechanic, allowing people to actually consider where they will sleep for the night, not just log off where ammo/guns spawn like a barn.