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About Chocolate_Fantasy

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  1. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Reform of the zombie mechanism

    Sounds like something for the beta, really, but I'd love to see this in the game.
  2. Chocolate_Fantasy

    make the crossbow 1 hit kill again for zombies

    Yes. So much yes.
  3. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Cool idea

    Player run towns. Already suggested, please use the search function before posting.
  4. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Blood regeneration

    A human being can completely regenerate half a liter (~7% of total volume) of lost blood in 4-6 weeks. Any noticeable regeneration other than the blood gained from regular eating of food is unrealistic and a bad idea, if realism is your goal. Source:http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=463638
  5. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Lingering after logging out

  6. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Blood regeneration

    The game already has indirect, but slow, regeneration of blood. You're forced to eat food every so often, or you'll die. You get some blood every time you eat food. Therefore, you're forced to get some blood every so often.
  7. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Respawn Confirmation

    I agree, +1.
  8. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Lingering after logging out

    I'm tired of people disconnecting after I miss them with my first sniper shot, or leaving the game when the zombie horde they're fighting becomes too large. I suggest having player characters stay in place for a minute or two after disconnecting to prevent this exploit. This also forces players to find a safe resting place before leaving the game, so that they won't be stumbled upon by zombies after they disconnect.
  9. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Recovering from Infections

    I like it. May I suggest a system of escalating infection? One where, if you overexert yourself or stay out in the cold for too long after getting a minor infection, it will become severe enough for you to need antibiotics to ever get well again.
  10. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Less PvP and more teamplay

    I'm all for more mechanics that favor team play, similar to transfusions. I also like the reduced utility slots, so that you would need team mates to carry the things you do not have. But the home equipment idea? Just no. If you get a single zombie after you before you find a gun, you're as good as dead.
  11. Chocolate_Fantasy

    I have become the Running Man

    Thanks They didn't disperse, just stood still for a long while afterwards. I gave up and ran off to gather a new horde.
  12. Chocolate_Fantasy

    how many girls play dayz?

    G.I.R.L Guy In Real Life This is common knowledge, you should know this by now.
  13. Chocolate_Fantasy

    I have become the Running Man

    Night. Nothing can be seen. I am running down an asphalt road, only able to follow it by listening to the sound of my own footsteps. I hear zombies behind me. Dozens of them. I'm going to die. I've been running for 10 minutes. I'm about to give up. Down by the coast, just behind me, a flare goes off, like a spark, igniting my will to go on. I swiftly turn around in a wide arc, avoiding the zombie horde chasing me. I see a man picking up the flare. He runs away from me out of chance, not noticing me in the dark. I follow. Soon he stops, hearing the distant rumbling of the horde of zombies not far off. He looks in my direction. I can almost taste the terror he must feel, having an onslaught of zombies, at least 30 strong, rushing at him like a locomotive. He turns around and runs, only to be met by a fence. He is in too much of a panic to climb over it, and clumsily walks into it. I catch up to him, climb over the fence, and leave the zombie horde and the poor man behind. I keep running, only glancing back when I'm far away. This is what I see. Not long after, the man dies by the hands of my horde. I have become the Running Man.
  14. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Food, water, cola/pepsi. More relism please.

    I agree that sodas are way too common, and water bottles aren't used enough, but having food only in supermarkets is just impractical. Having sodas only spawn in supermarkets sounds good to me, though.
  15. Chocolate_Fantasy

    Zombie Spawning idea to think of, might be better

    From observations I've noticed that zombies only spawn when players are within a certain distance from a spawning site. I'd like a no-spawn zone to be introduced into the game as well, an area around players (smaller than the spawn radius) where zombies can't spawn, so that zombies will stop spawning right in front of you.