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About braknurr

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    On the Coast
  1. US 266 GMT-6 Occured @ 13:35 Hacker ported everyone on the server to one location and lit everyone up with a FAL. Hacker was invincible.
  2. braknurr

    IL2 - hacking

    Server: IL2 Time: Saturday, July 21, 1800 my time, UTC-600 What happened: Buddy and I met up at Zub castle the day before and logged out. Yesterday, he logged in first and was there for about 3 minutes before someone logged in. Buddy had the drop on him though and unloaded a g17 into him. Subject didn't go down and killed buddy with a crossbow. Whatever, buddy got killed and the g17 is sorta weak. It's possible. Good thing I was on site and could avenge. I log in, see the subject, unload a 1911 in the back of his head and point blank. Blood, head snapping, the whole nine. Then the subject turns around and says over direct chat, "Oh, really? You think so?" And levels his crossbow at me, misses and hits the wall behind me, explodes, and kills me leaving me with -700,000 health. Without thinking, I respawn as buddy looks for a new server. This is where it gets weird. About a month ago when the servers weren't syncing with the hive I lost a lot of characters simply by logging out. I'd log out, came back in and my guy would be reset on the coast with no gear. I think was the patch. Anyway, when I log in I'm now one of my old toons from a month ago. As buddy and I talk about how fortunate that glitch was for me guess who ports in right beside me. Crossbow hacker. Only this time he's with a friend. I have an enfield and level shot to hacker 2's chest. Invincible, he runs at me and axes me, breaking legs. Now hacker 1 and 2 are standing over me, each taking multiple enfield rounds to the chest and face at point blank, and laughing. "You can't kill us, faggot." Then boom goes the exploding crossbow bolt. They were North America sounding, sounded around 16-18. No names unfortunately. According to a post on reddit the server is little over 9 days old.
  3. I'm very excited about this patch although I wish I was more prepared for it. I was in a field about 1000 yards west of Stary. There was nothing around. I saw a cow and went for the meat. I used my M24 to kill the cow because I had a lot of ammo for it. About a dozen zombies spawned out of no where (I was in an open field) and rushed and killed me. They were so fast and hit so hard that I didn't have time to stand up from prone and get away. The first one broke my leg. By the time I changed to my pistol I was below 3000 health and unconscious. Is that realism? Realism is me not having to stop to change weapons. I work with rifles and sidearms in my real life job. I don't have to stop moving to change between them. It also doesn't take me a full 5 seconds to do it. Automatic gun fire never killed me so fast as these zombies.
  4. Date/Time: 05/24/12 16:00 CNT What happened: I logged in unable to move my character or access my bags. My temp was at 13, I'm starving, thirsty, and bleeding. My new location was in the middle of a field but I couldn't look around to get a better idea of where I was. Location on start up said 'quarry'. Where you were: In a barn north of Yvsota which is north of Cherno. What you were doing: I logged out with everything green, 100% blood. I logged out on the 2nd floor of the barn, crouched. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: I tried 6 different US servers and one FR server. *Your system specs: Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 8 GB 64 bit OS windows