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Everything posted by Arrisar

  1. Arrisar

    Heatlh Status?

    Shock is a white symbol that looks like a merger of broken bones and lagging. Low blood affects you in every way you mentioned and it will not go away until you get a blood transfusion or eat a LOT of food. You will have to deal with the effects (which aren't as bad as you say they are, believe me) and either you or your friend brave a city (Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk or Berezino), raid a hospital and find the blood bags in the medical boxes. Alternatively just kill yourself, learn from your mistakes and endeavour to not make the same mistakes. I sent about 30 minutes writing you a nice informative wall of text, but my school internet filter works in the same way as Chernarus will work for you. It doesn't care. It doesn't know you. It doesn't like you either. Everything in this game is out to get you. You will learn to have to deal with that. You are here to survive the harsh environment that only wants you dead. Over and over. So good luck to you and you have many deaths, triumphs, tears of joy and sadness, fits of happiness and rage, all of it, ahead of you. Enjoy Chermarus. Enjoy DayZ.