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Everything posted by qazdar

  1. qazdar

    Best camp ever.

    I wish you lose every vehicle you have and guns and have to walk to their :D
  2. I am basically a warfare player ,and i just laugh when i see a server calling itself "Veteran" with 3rd person , crosshair and even worse waypoints ... You need at least to disable 3rd before you call your server veteran !
  3. Since,there is a lot of starvation around the world i would pay 20$ for the finished product ... also knowing my experience with games using RV engine ! The 60 $ game really needs to be exceptionnal in details and gameplay,if it is like what we're playing now it's not even worth 15 $.
  4. qazdar

    Vehicle and Tent Saving

    Ban tents !!! :D I made a tent with only tin cans and saved,then waited for server restart,next day,nothing was on it !
  5. Hackers have reached the ultimate level of ArmA-hacking,they're using hacks that need the whole engine to be rebuilt ... meanwhile just leave with them,ask them for gear and stuff if you meet one they 're generally kind people :)
  6. I am against hacking but i am just frustrated of losing my gear to hackers that's why i wish to have some of these boxes near me when i spawn :P ... and also Battleye seems to be unable to do something for it ...
  7. would have taken 10 tents and deploy it somewhere close and start enjoying it :D
  8. qazdar

    .50 cal rifles and you

    If the game had real physx ,you would have seen people losing their legs and hands adn better their heads that's the addition of .50 in real life on the other .338 and 7.62 rifles :D
  9. qazdar

    Elektro hill is super fun!

    Sometimes i put my gear in my tent,manage to get killed somehow and try to repsawn to stary ... wait for some sniper to die loot him then piss off , but tents seem to be bugged with last patch soo.. :D
  10. That keyboard can feed a whole family :D
  11. qazdar

    Evidence [Map]

    Learn to use this : http://dayzdb.com
  12. qazdar

    Connection Times

    Lot slower for me with 95883,on crowded servers of course !
  13. If he was at your 3 or 9 o'clock,well then it's not that easy,but from behind or front it would be very easy !
  14. Lol, come to warfare servers and see how people are good ... shooting someone inside a moving car is not that difficult :D
  15. No Or ban ! I hope you're convinced :P,in case you make people spawn without a makarov make spawns a bit random around the map
  16. I know that tents are very unstable ! But ,did someone manage to find the right way to make them save items properly ? sometimes it saves my items sometimes not ,any tips on this ?
  17. thanks for your answers, last thing though ... do tents survive dayz updates ?
  18. qazdar

    My lucky day!

    blowing it up .... so cruel mate
  19. I think that making tents spawnable is a good idea too :P
  20. Sorry i have to disagree,because actually he is fixing exploits before adding content !
  21. Well,then Admins should double restart their servers,it shouldn't take a lot of time and will bring tents back at least :D
  22. qazdar

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    If he is playing stupidly knowing that he is unarmed,i will help him understanding that he should really know he is crap and needs to hide better !
  23. Exceeeeeeeeeeelllllllent :DDDDD
  24. http://dayzdb.com/database/762-ammo-box
  25. Then go get shot by a .50 in real life and will talk about your feedback after !