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Dr Octagon

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Everything posted by Dr Octagon

  1. Dr Octagon

    murder in Berezino?

  2. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    29 hours in.
  3. Dr Octagon

    murder in Berezino?

  4. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    26 hours in and still on my 1st life:
  5. Dr Octagon

    murder in Berezino?

  6. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

  7. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    i'd been alive for 15 hours at this point.
  8. Dr Octagon

    murder in Berezino?

  9. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    part 4 of my 1st life.
  10. Dr Octagon

    North East Airfield raid

    Still alive (yet to killed by players or zombies that is) i head north through Gorka and end up at the NEAF.Get geared up and now its off to see the sights...
  11. Dr Octagon

    North East Airfield raid

  12. Dr Octagon

    Post Your Gear So Far

    At the North East Airfield i found an M4A1 and a mountain backpack.I got an Elektro spawn and went straight up the middle of the map (found the East map in Elektro).Best stuff in my opinion was can openers and canteens.All guns do is get you killed.
  13. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    Part 3 of my attempt at a long life.If the bandits don't get you , the bugs will...
  14. Dr Octagon

    Beginners Guide.

    i put the map in my hotbar (lets say number 4) , then i hold down 4 and bingo!i can see my part of the map (it comes in sections now only showing either N,S,E, or WEST Chernarus depending on what you found).hope this fixes your problem. B.T.W. you can no longer "shift left click" on the map to make a visible marker.maybe with a G.P.S.?
  15. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    part two of my "1st life" series where i am forced to murder despite of my plans of trying to be friendly.
  16. Dr Octagon

    first kills in Standalone (they made me do it!).

    this was part one where i fumble with the control changes and try to point my reticule at loot that refuses to be looted!45 minutes of idiocy!
  17. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    my first life in Standalone.how many episodes will i live for?(spoiler : i think my guy was killed by a bug!)
  18. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    sick of waiting for standalone?join us on Altis in the Breaking Point mod of DayZ.here are a few tips for beginners and a few tricks for veterans.enjoy:
  19. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos

    pvp goodness on a "spawn with DMR and sd pistol" server.
  20. Dr Octagon

    Day Z Videos
