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Everything posted by mindofdave

  1. Im going to make some biltong this weekend, nom nom nom
  2. And you did a sterling job sir! , im staying clear im afraid as i havent followed the story much... i am very grateful for the effort you put in to doing my piccys :)
  3. If it helps, as an outsider, i still dont like any of you
  4. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. That looks word for word like the uk#10 post.... well Yep, Even has the same bad grammar and spelling as you panda!
  6. 2 more days then i can game again.... 1/3 of my life is officialy dedicated to work ... Depressingly its probably more lol
  7. Just observing mr. Chairs name.... If someone had to tell him bad news, would they say, you best sit down for this... Can he sit down, can he take a chair, or would he be already.....
  8. Mmmmmmmonday monday monday..... I hate you monday
  9. Just an upcoming fun feature, the new golf being modelled in, you can hide in the boot.... that is all
  10. Think it was "Server has stopped responding due to lack of beans"
  11. Ring sting from lasts nights curry is not the best feeling at 7am.... Niether is being trapped in a small hot room filled with the putrid smell :) Oink indeed
  12. Right now? Its lunch time, so im off to the pub :) then just planning to rebuild my pc tommorow, and want to record the next show this weekend, so planning for that aswell... Plus all the normal crazy ideas that bounce off my craniam! You?
  13. Dude reposting over and over again, is only going to get you ignored, wait like everyone else, and you need to include why you wish to join the server.
  14. Im kinda looking forward to dieing, i have full end game gear, except my makarov, but i love it.... But i love fresh spawning, scratching around and double barreling an unexpecting sniper then looting, nothing better... Being geared just means waiting around trying not to die, and thats kinda what we do in real like lol.... Oink :]
  15. In getting ready for the new dayz dedi servers, i may of done some purchasing early this morning.... So if you dont see me friday, youll know why.... 2GB Gigabyte GTX 680 Windforce3X 28 1 £331.68 256GB OCZ Vertex 4, 2.5" SSD, SATA 1 £137.25 Yey :]
  16. So if we approve less, overall we will see a drop in numbers as you often have players who have a magpie intrest to dayz and dont play after a few dayz, which is fine, if you have a good number of recruits (welcome newbys). The whitelist is there to deter would be hackers, the determined few still can get through, but through stringent vetting we can attempt to root out would be hackers. With the server running at 20%ish on 80/80 but the arma mod becoming unstable if we push it any further, we can maintain a live community but requesting the effort to post here, and anyone looking for a community can see it here, sending people away one day and welcoming another can cause alot of upset bambis, alot more admin, and alot less players. When the new dedi server is running, we can have multiple servers, in which smaller teams, or limited gear and map sizes are possible. We only aim to provide a cost free happy community of axe welding maniacs :) Oink
  17. Please be patient for whitelist submissions, we have alot to go through, and most of us work :) You can help by double checking your guid as that wastes both yours and our time. We look forward to having you join us on the server, just a little patience goes along way :] Oink
  18. You mean your fixing it by 1. Not talking 2. Disconnecting the microphone or 3. My personal fav, volume adjuster settings Lol
  19. May run a kickstarter, to run a full time admin role on the dayz server.... Only would take like 24000 people donating 1 pound too allow me to pay all bills for the year :) then you have full 24/7 admin.... Unless im sleeping, not working, abusing admin, eating, drinking, griefing, drunken abuse to bambis..... I think it could happen.... I know i know... Go home dave your drunk
  20. So this guy wants to go to space.... its a completly different dave..... but err, i feel he would get Panda sent me to space tattood on his arse if we sent me.... i mean him..... https://www.lynxapollo.com/en_GB/121661/david-sim?image=0 Go! and Vote! Also, it was me on cherno roof, it was hilarious... especially when someone came up and hatcheted me in the face....