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Everything posted by jerome16v

  1. It has to do with a couple of things. this game works best on a Win XP 32 bit edition, thats the environment the original game was build on en it has very poor optimisation for newer operating systems, even with Win 7, your best bet would be with a 32 bit version. Then this game works very differenty to other games, most files are being streamed of your harddrive while you play, so that where the hickups and stutters ingame come from, so running this game of a fast SSD really helps with the stutter and short freezes but it wont help with the minimum FPS you get in cities, This has to do with the fact this game was designed to use the CPU and not the GPU to do the hard work so thats why you even get low fps with lets say a Gtx680. I have spend quite some time testing this out on my system and found out the load on the GPU in cities drops to 10 -15%. (sometimes the GPU clocks down to 2d speeds if you dont have power management set to best performance in Nvidia panel). so that means the GPU isnt getting any data from the CPU, or atleast not fast enough so it just sits there... waiting for data :). So overclocking the shit out your CPU is a good way to go you might think?. yes and no.. yes it does help quite a bit if your in the woods, on stock CPU speeds i averaged 85 in the woods and when overclocked a whopping 105 fps. but in the cities i got an extra 3 frames and averaged 34 instead of 31. and the load on the CPU stays arround 40% for me in every situation, and that also includes the testing i did on stock speeds, there the usage was also arround 40%. After all the things ive tried and exiperimented with i just gave up, everybody is affected by this and its just how this engine works i guess, its outdated so find a wat to live with it to have low fps in cities, spend more time up north anyway so its not that bad :). Specs: i7 960 @ 4.2 ghz Corsair 18 GB DDR3 1600 GTX 580 @ 900 - 2100 10GB Ram Disk virtual drive that holds all of my Arma 2 and Dayz folders.
  2. Hey Guys, Just wanted to know if anybody knows what the hell i could do to fix my issue im having with Dayz. Since a day or two, everytime i log into the game i have a broken bone, i play on a private hive with 2 servers and its happening on both of them. I thought the first and second time were just bad luck and i had morphine so it wasnt a big deal, but now its getting very annoying as i dont have any morphine left and i have to take the risk of contacting players for help, spend the last few dayZ to Gear up and finally have some awesome stuff and it would suck big time if i have to respawn due to a bug. Any info or help would be great. Thnxs
  3. Hi Guys, Im also looking for some people to play with, or atleast good servers where guys actually use their mics and people team up to take out Z's or Bandits. i like playing a good guy and it seems in the most servers you just get shot to fast, it isnt fun trying to meet up with someone just to get shot the moment he sees you. I understand this is part of the game, these things happen in a zombie apocalypse :) and i love it, BUT.. i would have more fun playing together and geaing up together to shoot the baddies :P Im from the netherlands btw, so any dutch speaking survivors/ private hives would be nice, but english is just as good and im better at talking in english then typing it lol. So, also looking for someone to play with or know where is should go, just let me know, its getting kinda lonely out there haha. Grtz