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About MRTrackFinder

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    England, U.K.
  1. MRTrackFinder

    [FSA] Fire Squad Alpha is now recruiting!

    Alright mate! Just what I was looking for. Name: Patrick In Game Name: MRTrackFinder Age/Hours and days you can play DayZ: 17, I can play all week, but in the weekdays (mon-fri) I can only play after 4PM unless stated otherwise. On the weekend, I can play for however long and whenever I like. How long have you spent playing DayZ and any other Military Simulators? I've been playing DayZ for several months (6 months or more) after I was intrigued by a youtube video (I have now watched A LOT of clan videos, haha) and have had an incredible time since. During this time, I have... I have played with many team mates and have trained right up from the coastal beginner to the dude up north with his sweet gear and weather beaten skin. I have piloted many helicopters after being trained by a friend, and also trained on the arma heli simulator. I can drive other vehicles successfully, aswell. I have been exposed to a lot of PVP situations, and through careful gameplay have quickly learned all the tips and tricks and know how to handle myself. I now also have a decent knowledge of what's what in dayz in general. As for other simulators... I have previously enjoyed operation flashpoint, and have played several missions on the regular arma aswell as exploring the mods for arma. I'd like to say I have a lot of experience, and enjoy the realism. I also played a lot of the older battlefields (hoping that counts, I also own BF3, but it's basically CoD now.) Where about in the UK are you located: England, South East, Norwich area. I don't really have a regional accent. Anything else you would like to add: I'm a polite, friendly and knowledgeable person, I won't let you down! I enjoy chenarus on a public hive, as all my gear is there. I have, and can get, all new maps. I use DayZ commander. I also realise that we're all human and make mistakes, so I will never be angry or innapropiate ingame. Add me on Skype if interested: Bwayze Cheers,
  2. Hello there, my name is Patrick. I've played DayZ for a LONG time now, and over the recent months have played with several people. Most of them get tired of DayZ, but I never have and never will. I prefer to play on the public chenarus hive, but am happy to play on any other maps. My character on chenarus is geared very well and ready to go. Ideally, I'm looking for a UK clan with mature and tactical players, whilst I want to play properly with a skilled group of people, I am also a good persn socially and always willing for bit of fun. I am willing to join a teamspeak, community or Skype call to say hello, just reply back here If anyone is interested. As for skill, if you're wondering, I have a lot of experience and know how, I can operate vehicles well, and know how to fly the chopper. I have also been exposed to a lot of PVP, so I can look after myself. I look forward to seeing any responses.
  3. Hello there! I was wondering if anyone would be interested in answering a few questions. Me, and the owner of a large gaming community, Gazamo, are very interested in setting up a few large servers on the DayZ Standalone when it releases (In December?) and I was wondering about a few things. Firstly, will there still be server admins and how are they ranked by the server's owner? (we decided that I should be the admin) Do you choose them in the server's control panel or something like that? Also, will they have more powers/utilities since DayZ will no longer be a mod, but a full game? Secondly, will it be the same process of contacting the DayZ team to connect to the future public hive and get the necessary software? Thirdly, obviously the server's host will provide you with a server control panel (depends if the server is managed or dedicated), but what will the in game control panel allow you to do? Other than moderating players, will it have the option to restart and perform other common tasks like this? Server administration can be taxing, so I'd expect some form of pretty detailed control panel, if it similar to the Arma II panel, that will be good. Thanks for any info anyone can provide. Looking forward to the standalone.