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About VanDyke

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  1. VanDyke

    Mysterious deaths

    I also died two times with no reason. One time it happened at the new shipwreck north of Berezino. Second death appeared in a building in the new town north of Berezino. I remember the two different servers to be pretty empty. I can say for sure, that nothin hit me, I didn't fall down a ladder or got shot. I just received the "You are dead"-Message. Bam-bam-baaa
  2. VanDyke

    E3 and our attendance

    Invisible clothing > Camoclothing I'm realy exited about the new clothes. Can't wait for the moment, where u have to choose between "style" and "use". Like: "I know, those grey pants have more slots to fit my loot, but I like how the green of my current trousers fit with my jacket.
  3. VanDyke

    [Video] So Close...Yet So Far...

    Another great example of a bloody noob killing a guy for his equip, without any warning or status stating. I bet Mr. Orange didn't kept this equip for to long eh?
  4. VanDyke

    The German and Austrian On Toure

    Den Heisenberg http://moviesblog.mtv.com//wp-content/uploads/movies/2012/05/Breaking-Bad.jpg
  5. VanDyke

    The German and Austrian On Toure

    Ich kann dich leider nicht unter Steam adden, da diese Add-Funktion scheinbar erst nutzbar ist, wenn man unter Steam Spiele heruntergeladen hat. Scheinbar zählt TeamFortress2 nicht dazu, haha. Sonst adde du mich doch: VanDyke
  6. VanDyke

    The German and Austrian On Toure

    Hey, ich würd gern mal schauen wie es in so einer großen Gruppe abläuft. Bringe einige Erfahrung mit, seis NW Airfield, Cherno oder Belezino. Auf welchem Server seid ihr denn immer unterwegs? Wenn ihr mögt, könnt ihr mir ja eure TS-IP per PM schicken und ich schau beim nächsten Mal wenn ich online bin mal rein bei euch :) Gruß, Vandyke
  7. VanDyke

    DayZ =MVP= Vexeon PvP

    Haha, true dat. This video does not deserve "pvp" in his title. Shootin noobs at the spawn and ppl who trust u...try cowaduddy fag
  8. VanDyke

    Can't pick up items from player's Gear?

    I made the mistake in the beginning and always tried to open the dead bodies backpack, and wondered why nothin was in. Then i just clicked "gear" (hope this is the right translation cause i don't i don't play in english), like at every other loot. We talking'bout "fresh killed players" right?
  9. VanDyke

    DayZ Screenshots!

  10. VanDyke

    DayZ Screenshots!
