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Everything posted by Vector636

  1. Vector636

    my suggestions

    Yeah I really hoped they would had inv rotation, i think they could look into the scope thing you can hit a button in arma for certain scopes that have iron/dot sighs on the scope. Also on the mention of scopes I cant remember what using the new sniper scope was like my friend usually carried the mosin, is it like the old scopes(black screen with scope in the middle). If so I would like it if they had the scope pushed forward a bit so your looking at the scope. If your eye is close enough to the scope where your eye is practically touching your going to have a bad time when you fire.
  2. Yeah I agree with this, it did kind of put me off that you could easily run on any surface. I do think they are looking into it, I think Rocket mentioned having different surfaces degrade footwear at a different pace. So if they are looking into that its reasonable to think they might be looking into run speeds to.
  3. Vector636

    Hordes of zombies

    Its very simple why a zed would have a horde, weather they are infected or undead. Both variants thrive on instinct and a extremely base instinct we humans have is the pack mentality. You can see it in riots or when a group of people suddenly mob a person. Its instinct in a strange or tense situation or sometimes just in general to follow the "energy/emotion" if you will of the pack.
  4. Yeah I remember fruit is the best vitamin bottles help to. I eat a good deal of fruit I had saved up as well as a full vitamin bottle and I got a very healthy status message in the inv and I did not require food for quite some time.
  5. Vector636

    Equipment ideas

    Yeah you can leave paper notes at the moment and you can mark areas on the map I believe and I think someone who picks up the map will see the marked points, I have been going without maps for a bit to get a feel of the new layout without having to stare at a map so I cant confirm.
  6. Vector636

    Growing number of banning servers/private servers.

    Once again that's just a quote from a forum member I had asked for someone to show me where it says in the actual rules. It says you may not have a no kill policy(pve only) it still says nothing about weather or not a admin is allowed to kick players. There are 5 rules on the server hosting rule page none of them say that.
  7. Vector636

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    I want a 1911 I saw a classic one in a store recently and I started drooling. I am really both I love collecting and shooting, there is rarely a gun you will find I dislike.
  8. Vector636

    Equipment ideas

    We dont know about the state of the world but wouldn't the services that you need to use those items be down. I would like to see a smart phone though it would have many different uses like recording info or like some of the horror games a low intensity light. It could also have a password so a bandit would have to work to find out the info you have in it.
  9. Yeah I like it, I mean I can eat a bit and get slightly full but in a short amount of time because I barley ate anything I will get hungry again. Also in a environment like that I bet our bodies are using calories very fast.
  10. Vector636

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Soon if you post it they will come. BTW what type of SKS do you have I have a modern one myself with a folding stock I bet that makarov is nice to. lol and do you mean apc M59 that would be badass, the buff I know has his .30 cal on a restored army jeep he likes to drive around.
  11. Vector636

    Backpacks as stash

    Well they are not going to have vendors and hopefully not a GI we already have one with all the public hives. I like the idea of a backpack stash, like Dave said they would be prone to getting wet. .....Nimble....quick release..... someones been playing Misery :) I agree although maybe the larger bacpacks would require a QR system item like Misery.
  12. Yeah I would like that a lot it sounds like a cool idea. There is hunting gear with NV capabilities but like you said they would be extremely uber rare, a camcorder could be a perfect alternative.
  13. Vector636

    Growing number of banning servers/private servers.

    One I never said it was right you guys just seem to want to yell at me because you have been pissed off by people that did this so don't get pissy at me. I always said that I think that they are assholes but what I was saying was it was not in the rules. Look if you rent a apartment and have a party and people come and you kick out the people you don't want in your apartment then yes you are allowed to kick them out. Now if the land lord said no kicking people you don't like out of public parties you throw in your rented apartment that would be "against the rules". I don't like that people do it, you don't like people who do it, I was just saying you can not doing anything about if if its not in the admin rules, because everyone was saying it was in the rules but I didn't see it. When did I say that it didn't hurt anyone I said you could ignore them. Reading your message do you mean people in a server like that could gear up alone and safe then go to a full server. If that is your argument that happens any way and those servers are not the cause its all the empty public servers you dont need a locked server to go in when there are a bunch at 0.
  14. Vector636

    Character Body - Body Parts

    Yeah I had suggested losing a eye b4 it would be interesting. They could problay do fingers but losing a hand might be to much. I would definitley like it if you had to extract bullets similar to MGS3. I am alos sure they are thinking some about some of those things, using a bad rag already can make the rag tear Im sure if you used a infected rag things would get much worse. I also like the bandage body cast lol like Joshua Graham that might be interesting when they add the ability to be burned, it would also let people identify friends if they have a certain color bandage.
  15. Vector636

    Paint ball guns, in game.

    lol Yeah I agree with phoboss you have never played paintball, or you used the 20$ guns. Hell ph is right about close range and that's just reg paintballs lol imagine getting hit by a marble shot from one or a ball bearing. I have been hit by a frozen round(Jackass) it hurt like hell. lol I think paintball guns were your 1st weapon i Fallen Earth.
  16. Vector636

    A rusty plane.

    True your right taking in the condition it might be a bit dangerous but hell you should see the people in Alaska they use old rickety planes to go everywhere and land practically anywhere.
  17. Vector636

    Some variants of headwear.

    lol I like all the hat suggestions, I would probably like some different moto helmets, I don't like the decals on them that much, maybe a matte black one. Maybe the new ones could be dirtbike helmets Maybe a Bike helmet
  18. Vector636

    Weapon Maintenance

    Although its nothing as realistic as field striping, Misery recently has added a lot of items for weapon maintenance. They have manuals but it just increases repair%, maybe the manuals could tell you what items you would need to properly clean or repair the gun.
  19. I think Rocket decided do scrap the Utes idea and just create a island from scratch. So it will be interesting to see what Ivan comes up with.
  20. Vector636

    Where can i find weed in game?

    lol thats not even funny, stupid people believe that shit is actually true, just like that stupid refer madness movie.
  21. Vector636

    World War 2 Weapons Thread (Poll)

    One did I say that they would be common, and two do you know when this game takes place. Its perfectly reasonable to think that certain soldiers might have the rifle(Wasn't there a war between US and Russia,that's the back story isn't it) The Ak-12 is still in prototype but the AN-94 has seen limited service so you cant say it is not out there, and like I said before do you know when this game takes place. Don't bring CoD into this because I sure as hell didn't bring it up.
  22. Vector636

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    I will only be jello if you spawn with unicycle. Imagine a guy with a clown mask on a unicycle wielding a axe coming after you terrifying(especially if they added clown horns).
  23. Vector636

    World War 2 Weapons Thread (Poll)

    In time they will prob add the 47 and maybe the 12. Actually I am surprised I have not seen the AK-12 or the AN-94 when I searched for them. Also not a gun but what about a NR-40 a WW2 russian combat knife. http://www.tactical-life.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/_mg_5572.gif
  24. Vector636

    World War 2 Weapons Thread (Poll)

    Yeah they modeled the AK b4 the M4 I believe its in most of the early standalone videos, I don't know why its not in yet maybe spawn issues or something else.
  25. Vector636

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    US I can buy mostly anything if I have the right permit. I would like to get a Nagant then get a suppressor later on. I also really want to get a Mosin as wel, I know a military buff who has just about everything from suppressors to a Browning .30 cal. I also just recently moved near a class 3 gun dealer, have not visited his shop but I bet he has a lot.