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El Bode

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About El Bode

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  1. What is the IP for the 40 man server? Ever since the server move there has been nothing but problems when more than 50 people join the server. Yes, it was bad on the old one - and that was probably DayZ's issues but the majority knows that this is MUCH worse than it was on the old. And also, i don't understand why you would want to have a server with such a high player limit if you know that DayZ causes massive lag problems when that amount of players join. Wanna stay on the server coz it was cool n all with hardly ever hackers but it's just too unplayable now.
  2. Barrington, expect us good members of the Cherno City Council to be present at this "Admin Hunt" evening. Got one or two policies we would like to discuss
  3. The Cherno City Council Manifesto We, the members of the Cherno City Council promise to give you an honest service, not like those of the corrupted Cherno Police Department. Do you want a Police force with ties to admin powers? NO! We fight for the little man... YOU! As the Cherno City Council we will peruse and implement the following plans to give YOU a better Chernogorsk! Sick of all those potholes on the roads in the city? Don’t worry! We’ve made sure we’ll spend the traffic tax on buying bullets to kill the CPD! We will employ a strict restriction on immigrants of the city. Who wants a city where fresh spawns come in, raid your shops, your hospitals, your bars only to then leave up north for greener pastures? It’s an insult to the zombie residents of our city who all live peacefully until you show up. We have a strict anti litter policy. Recently there’s been an increase in empty tin cans found in piles around various buildings in Chernogorsk. Any person in Cherno found littering will be killed. After all, it’s much easy to hide a body than it is empty tin cans! The CPD have made countless promises that lead to nothing! If you’re tired of these fibs, vote for TerryTibbs!
  4. Must say i am experiencing much less playability on this server. Is this something that will be improved panda?
  6. Where's the side chat? Pretty rubbish without it
  7. Panda/admins. Me and a few friends will be having a small LAN at the weekend. Is there any restrictions on the server for number of connections on 1 ip?
  8. Ok, so MrBarrington wanted a written explanation why we think "NewGuy" was cheating. I was just outside Cherno with 4 friends. There was no one around us, suddenly a guy with an AS50 shot at me and my friend "Joe" killing us. My friend "Gleg" then shot the guy that killed us and it came up "NewGuy has been killed". He looted the bodies and told me over mumble how he had "everything", including NVG, Rangefinders and GPS. Seconds later, before i get a chance to respawn, the mass teleport happened. Anyway, during the mass spawn killing in Cherno after the teleport i believe a guy called 'Osullivan' or something said "NewGuy" was cheating and that he had found the AS50, NVG, Rangefinders on his body - basically everything he had on him when he killed me and "Joe".
  9. That's me getting raided in the church :thumbsup:
  10. I'll confirm getting increasingly massive amounts of lag when the server was near 60+. Around 10fps in Cherno when normally i would get more. Had an encounter with the police today and perhaps a renegade group! First story - Bumped in to a fresh spawned Bandit in elektro, me and my friend ensured he was friendly and took refuge in a church. The bandit said he was friends with the police, i questionned that as he was a bandit. My friend mistakenly said over VOIP instead of Mumble that we should shoot the bandit. I said no, because i don't like to kill in cold blood. The bandit legged it away shouting don't shoot. Within a minute 6 police officers showed up, siren ablazing over direct comm and made me drop my weapons and searched me. They let me and my friend go. Not long after, me and my mate were chasing down a guy who had fired pistol shots our way. As we were having a stand off, i reported the case to the police. A minute later, a van rocks up - a different vehicle to the police and they quickly get out and start firing at me and my friend. They killed us both whilst they let the other guy live. There was at least 3 of them, heavily armed. Watch out people!
  11. Me and 5 others play together but refrain from using a tag.