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Eckhart (DayZ)

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About Eckhart (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Eckhart (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I think it would be much better if it just said "I Survived DayZ Alpha" instead of "the dayz alpha." I also think the guy standing between I and Survived is a bit much for a shirt.
  2. Took screen shots of a user "Black widow" killing people in debug forest. All the kills happened within 4-5 minutes while I was checking out the barn. Here are the screen shots: http://imgur.com/a/COkfe
  3. Eckhart (DayZ)

    Anyone willing to help a stranger out?

    Aye, it seems like I'm just going to have to tough one out and scavenge as much as possible in the limited sight. Good luck to you, may god have mercy on our souls...
  4. I'm under 3,000 blood. I can't see. I wont make it without some sort of help. Anything would be greatly appreciated, blood transfuse or meat. Your server of choice, but I won't make it very far without being able to see..
  5. Eckhart (DayZ)

    Heatlh Status?

    Shock is a white symbol that looks like a merger of broken bones and lagging. Low blood affects you in every way you mentioned and it will not go away until you get a blood transfusion or eat a LOT of food. You will have to deal with the effects (which aren't as bad as you say they are' date=' believe me) and either you or your friend brave a city (Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk or Berezino), raid a hospital and find the blood bags in the medical boxes. Alternatively just kill yourself, learn from your mistakes and endeavour to not make the same mistakes. I sent about 30 minutes writing you a nice informative wall of text, but my school internet filter works in the same way as Chernarus will work for you. It doesn't care. It doesn't know you. It doesn't like you either. Everything in this game is out to get you. You will learn to have to deal with that. You are here to survive the harsh environment that only wants you dead. Over and over. So good luck to you and you have many deaths, triumphs, tears of joy and sadness, fits of happiness and rage, all of it, ahead of you. Enjoy Chermarus. Enjoy DayZ. [/quote'] Ha, much thanks. Yeah, I probably wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for being mad in the first place. I was going on 6 days alive, Alice pack, map, compass, knife, Binocs, all the food and soda I can wish for, two nice guns. All taken by a random server glitch that put me spawning on a beach, next to a CoD-newber. Unloaded on me the second I spawned, and he ran off into the sunset. I was pretty pissed. I just ran in a direction when I respawned, found the first guy and put a clip into his head. Made out like a bandit (literally). M16, Pack, some ammo, a little food and soda, and a tent to boot. I lost a good chunk of blood though, as you've already read. Anyway, I'm off to try and deal with the vision, hopefully I can find a low-ish pop server that's at night to sneak into the city.
  6. Eckhart (DayZ)

    Heatlh Status?

    Beans give health? This helps so much, I may be able to get out now.
  7. Eckhart (DayZ)

    Heatlh Status?

    I just got into a small skirmish that left me just over 4,100 blood, but I've been sitting in the forrest waiting for my vision and heart to stop beating for over well over 30 minutes. My friend says i'm "In shock" but I'm not bleeding anymore, I took morphine and pain killers. I can't move because of the poor vision. I barely managed to make it out of the city and into the forrest. How long does shock normally last? Im getting quite bored and bothered sitting here waiting to be able to see again.