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Everything posted by archival

  1. Sick and tired of those annoying bandits killing you for everything you own? Still managing to cling on to giving up and shooting everyone you see? Well post your best story on how you outsmarted or ouplayed one here so we can all have a good laugh! OP content - "This group of about 6 guys were camping ontop of the cherno hospital killing anyone that went to get medical supplies, so I got my trusty CZ550, went to the top of the grain towers and killed every last one of them!" Go nuts guys!
  2. Aha some good stories coming in, heres another one to flow things along that happened to me last night on a US server (im normal on AU servers but it was full and dark) Spawned inside the control tower of the northern airfield so see someone right infront of me running down the stairs. (lucky for me the server was running 1st person only so he didnt see me prone) I went down to see what he was doing and there he was with a friend, they shot at me the second I went down. running back up I saw them sitting under the stairs waiting for me to come down, so I slowely walked outside, down the back ladder, around to the fire station and sat watching what they did. They still thought I was up there 10 minuites later when one of them had the bright idea of going outside and using the ladder, low and behold he found me right outside the door with 3 mags of ak-47 waiting for him. I didnt bother with his friend, but he got what he deserved. And now I have 1 humanity point :|
  3. archival


    So far ive only found vehicles on the american servers. Found a civilian Mi-8 at devils castle and a UAZ (which I grenaded) Why cant I find anything on the australian servers damn it >:C