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Everything posted by Clarkeh

  1. Clarkeh

    WarZ all over again

    have to say that it was so easy locating and installing the hacks So Kefuddle your actually admitting to downloading and installing hacks for DayZ SA then?
  2. Well from my experience being up north i have come across some organised clanners hitting the NWAF over hitting Bolata. Why? Its simple really NWAF seems to becoming the clanners area to duke it out and Bolata/Kamenka military site is the Bambi Battlefield, Plus on the upside Cherno/Elektro is not being hit AS hard so it allows legit survivors to loot in relative peace and then move north. Personal opinion, its fine as is.
  3. Clarkeh

    The shittiest thing just happenend to me!

    The Ladder Demon claimed you. Next time sacrifice a can of beans to it and it may let you live. :p
  4. There are videos out there on youtube showing basic scripting in the SA but i personally haven't witnessed it yet, As some of you have already mentioned its a mix of Hackusations,Glitching and Paranoia.
  5. Clarkeh

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    aj_ DayZ has a long path ahead of it and the team are adding things in, It just takes time. Patience is key here and i have alot of patience, many people don't and when it come to this i recommend they play multiple games, Come back once a week or something and see whats been added, Add your input on the forums and then go back to your other games, Im currently juggling Project Zomboid,Nether and DayZ.
  6. Clarkeh

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    was so excited when it launched and for a couple of days after I played a lot with friends. This is your problem right here, Play in small doses so you don't "burn" yourself out, plus make it a misson to find bugs and glitches with the alpha, Anything you can think of try it and report it as a bug thats what i do.
  7. Clarkeh

    Explosion in Cherno

    As far as im aware the only explosive source available right now is if you hit the Fuel Pumps/Tanks enough times in the petrol station...which usually results in the person doing it getting blown to smithereens.
  8. Clarkeh

    End game?

    My endgame right now is to get all pristine gear, find gear for my clan mates, If they get hurt go out and find saline blood bags to bring them back to health, the objectives i have mentioned are always refreshing themselves so im never bored.
  9. Clarkeh


    SA or Mod? This sounds like an Mod issue to me though.
  10. Clarkeh

    Touched by a Bandit

    Endgame achieved. XD
  11. Clarkeh

    Zombie Apocalypse?

    Agreed im hoping these features are implemented in the future, maybe burnt/burning buildings, i can imagine they will add dead soldiers around the military sites like they did in the mod but heres hoping they add a bit more flair down the road.
  12. Clarkeh

    Cannot find my own body after I respawned

    Simple way to fix this is to have a 60 second timer before you can respawn when your dead.
  13. Clarkeh

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Doctor what the OP is trying to say is to remove ALL PvP elements from these kind of servers and just have players fight zombies.
  14. Clarkeh

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    PvE DayZ Servers would be incredibly boring the whole identity of DayZ is Surviving others and the zeds, Plus it would just drain network capacity from Bohemia.
  15. Clarkeh

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    I would recommend the OP immediately runs north and loots the towns up there, You will find alot more loot up there versus the south towns/cities.
  16. Clarkeh

    Defibrillator, does it work?

    Well i guess the items effect needs to be changed to the epi-pen effect at least that brings the unconscious player back and then they have to logout and back in to actually move around again....
  17. Clarkeh

    I just couldn't resist..

    That Bambi's voice sounds familiar....possible streamer?
  18. Clarkeh

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    Joker did you play the Mod? If you have you would have an idea of what kind of backend stuff they can add to help moderate certain things happening, Yes i know a portion of these players may have never even heard of DayZ before it popped up on Steam but there is that glorious really helpful search function where they can type in key words and get at least 10+ threads already posted about something they would have posted and hopefully read the responses to shown threads. Unfortunately this isn't done on a regular basis and we are seeing a case of serious inception going on (Not The Fun Police guy the film!)
  19. Clarkeh

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    Well i know we can upvote existing bugs we want the devs to look at but i guess the forum team can get an idea from the repetitive threads whats really bothering the community.
  20. Clarkeh

    "Bandits" A rant about certain people

    If the player didn't have use of his fists which can basiclly 1 shot knock me out i would be more flexible with talking to players in High Tempo situations but right now every player has a weapon whether its thier fists, an axe or a gun. Now if that funky Tazer thing that was in the mod was brought in and could be used as a sidearm needing only batteries and had a medium range to it then hell yea i would happily taze the poor bastard, Take the things i need and continue looting the area whilst keeping an eye on the collapsed unconscious body which somehow can still talk throwing all manner of colourful words my way. Until then im forced to remove the threat through brute force.
  21. Clarkeh

    Defibrillator, does it work?

    When you used the item did you clan mate log out and back in and see if it worked? Or did it kill him due to the new patched in Unconscious = dead when logging out feature that was implemented?
  22. Clarkeh

    Defibrillator, does it work?

    I have one in my pack its Badly Damaged but i haven't brought up the courage to potentially murder my clan mates via a faulty electrical box XD....yet
  23. Clarkeh

    "Bandits" A rant about certain people

    I learned from the Mod if your around military sites your going to get a bullet in your brain, its part of the risk and reward scenario, You were near the barracks and so was he, You decided to be friendly and reveal your presence and he took advantage of it. DayZ Bandit 101.
  24. It has been semi-confirmed identified these servers are one of the causes of players being reset and sent back to the south coast, For now i would recommend all survivors to steer clear of these servers until the issue has been resolved.
  25. Clarkeh

    Vilayer.com Servers A Warning

    Well my clan mate lost all his gear from the Vilayer server just now, a few posts here have also confirmed they lost thier gear from a Vilayer server and i lost my gear to a Vilayer server a few days ago. Hence the semi-confirmation because i don't have a physical link from Vilayer saying they dun goofed. Community members can test for themselves if they want to see if my thread is bogus and if it is then i apologise but this is what i think is the problem.