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Everything posted by Clarkeh

  1. Clarkeh

    Some looooonngg range shooting.

    A that range currently the shots wouldn't be heard, sound are pretty buggy right now, I've shot my mosin in a barracks and my friend who was in the hospital 200 meters away couldn't hear it.
  2. Clarkeh

    Overlooked Loot Locations Guide

    Theres a reason hardly anyone checks the top of firestation *shudders as he remembers the countless times he has been sniped on there* The rest of the info is really good though i keep forgetting to check any cars and i totally didn't know about the boxes in the sewing factory.
  3. Clarkeh

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    Your vids are meh, Your attitude on these forums stinks. If your looking to get wrecked by the community (not me personally) then your doing well.
  4. Clarkeh

    Fresh spawn mugger part 2.

    This is the reason why no Bambi can be truely trusted, Thier never unarmed in SA ^_^
  5. I think he was talking about the devs not notifying players of the wipe and not disagreeing with the whole wipe thing.
  6. Indeed its part of the process, I figured i would post this thread to gauge the reaction from the community and maybe if the mods/devs look in on it they can put a post-it somewhere on the server reminding them to wipe the playerbase :p
  7. Clarkeh

    Logged Out, Now Dead

    Did you return to the same server you were one or did you switch server?
  8. Clarkeh

    Post Your Gear So Far

    You don't have a gas mask! Your not fully geared yet! Edit: Derp you do but your not wearing it.
  9. Clarkeh

    I am a lumberjack

    MrWiggles? Is that you?
  10. Clarkeh

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    Im joining the Wiggles religion. Hopefully the master will show himself to me.
  11. Good thing i have stopped testing till the new patch comes down, seems the script kiddies are having a field day with the last patch.
  12. Clarkeh

    Anyone else having problems with the site?

    Same, The forum has returned!
  13. Clarkeh

    The most epic moment in DayZ history!

    Link to the highlight: http://www.twitch.tv/lirik/c/3451864
  14. NEAF has barracks...right?
  15. Clarkeh

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Well when vehicles are implemented i imagine you can spend all the time you want running down little white picket fences to your hearts content since i was possible to do it in the mod. Or if Dean decides to bring in Armor you can blow the shit out of the buildings in cherno for shits and giggles. If you want to destroy something right now you can go to your nearest fuel pump and hit a dozen times can't say you will survive it though.
  16. KoS will be prevailent whether the bodies sink or not, At least with bodies not sinking or disappearing the victor comes away with something of value. (You also have to think of other new spawns) Who almost always rely on dead geared players in strange places to find basic gear so then they should go up north but thier brains seem to be a bit wonky atm and end up headed towards Bolata.
  17. Clarkeh

    Rarest Item?

    Pistol Clips, For the life of me i can't find one and yet im sitting on at least 50 rounds for it.
  18. Clarkeh

    How not to Rage losing a fully equipted character

    Just remember you can get that loot back within time and when you die to other players try to remember how they did it, thier tactics, where they were things like that after a time you will instinctively avoid those problems. As DayZ is and always will be its a story, a story of what happend to you before you died in the post-apoc region of Chernarus.
  19. Clarkeh

    DayZ Concept Art Gallery?

    Just hunt around for them on the internet, download them or link them to this thread...
  20. Clarkeh

    The most epic moment in DayZ history!

    Fairplay that was probably the most moving situation i have ever seen in DayZ, felt a little scripted, if it was completey random then fairplay this is internet gold. I was half expecting Bike-Man to show up and rescue Lirik! SHOOOORRRRTTTTTY!
  21. Some servers aren't whitelisted with the central server thus they can't gain access to your data so they force your data to be reset and thus you end up on the coast, Your best bet is to stay on the servers your usually on...and not to server hop for loot.
  22. Clarkeh

    But he is just a bambi, bambi got no guns

    This video has already been posted by the owner... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158694-how-to-mug-people-as-a-fresh-spawn/
  23. Anarchy by any chance did you happen across a guy in a building upstairs in cherno with a red motorcycle helmet, who you happend to come across you asked if he was friendly then went back downstairs started kiling zombies then hooked up with two mates and then returned to the house i was in and demanded i give blood but i ran away and you tried to shoot me with your M4? The two others were not in camo gear so it may not be you but your voice was very similar.
  24. Clarkeh

    Don't Stand and Have a Fist Fight with the Zombies

    Well what i do is keep hitting thier head when thier on the ground, this enables free shots at the zombie while they can't fight back, basiclly you chain the headshots and they can't hit you three stand ups, three fall downs and thier gone.
  25. Clarkeh

    This guy. Knife vs Crowbar .

    First Person with melee would have put down that guy easy.