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Everything posted by Dabaroony

  1. Dabaroony

    Best Character Contest.

    I was going for a more of a medic vibe on this one. I was certainly geared for the role anyway, until some bambi-killer on the coast had his way with me. Fortunately, he was being stalked by a crew patroling the coast, so he got what was coming to him. Anyway. I present Dr. Dabby:
  2. Dabaroony

    reloading magazines

    There should be an "Empty" option when you right-click the box. You have to empty the box, then drag the bullets over the magazine.
  3. Dabaroony

    What guns do you want to see?

    I'd love to see the FN Five-Seven, only because I can't afford one IRL. Also some kind of .308 or .338 Lapua Magnum bolt action. Also, it would be super cool to have a BB gun/air rifle.
  4. Dabaroony

    Found Walkie Talkie

    If they have any functionality it would likely be an additional chat channel. Maybe try switching channels? I found one, but died before I could experiment with it.
  5. Dabaroony

    Are suppressors functional yet?

    What was the condition of the suppressor you found?
  6. Headlamp Possible common/uncommon lootable item to replace the function of a flashlight while staying more or less on your reticle while running or firing, also making your head a very unhappy target. Kind of an intermediate between a flashlight and NVGs. Ballistic Helmets Could be an uncommon/rare find, used to deflect one low-powered/long-distance/glancing shot to the head, rendering the player unconcious but perhaps giving his crew a chance to counter the attack or revive the victim and get to safety before another shot is lined up. Tobacco Now, I've searched and searched for plausible arguments for this throughout the forums, but everyone who seems to like the idea of using tobacco in-game wants to do so simply to look cool while playing. But I propose adding tobacco to residential loots spots for these reasons: 1) Nicotine has known anti-inflammatory properties, and tobacco had been used in poultices for wounds for thousands of years. 2) Nicotine has well-known stimulant properties; it causes the release of glucose and epinephrine (which is already used in the game to treat shock and unconsciousness) and leaves noted effects of relaxation and calm alertness. (And that's not just for smokers; I sure as hell remember my first cigarette) 3) Nictotine is known to decrease appetite and increase metabolism, which could be used as a quick fix to curb hunger but cause it to decline more rapidly when the effects have worn off. 4) You could have negative effects from its use. You know, for the kids. 5) IT'S ABUNDANT AS FUCK. And, in my own opinion, it would add greatly to the immersion of the game to have small choices such as taking up smoking, something that wouldn't be necessary but could affect your character's life in the long run, be it positive or negative. Sort of like Traits in Fallout. Crippled Limbs More than just broken legs. Break your arm = unable to use primary weapon, sidearm inaccurate. Broken rib, maybe reduced speed, take more damage from zombies? More importantly, make crippled limbs harder to recover from. Not like hyper-realistic, but maybe the bone has to be set, and if you dont have morphine then it causes you to pass out, and then you continue to suffer effects for a day or two. Suppressive Fire Perhaps a BF3-esque mechanic to disorient people with suppressive fire. It would certainly help to balance out the fact that a decent sniper trumps almost anything. Offhand Tools I'd love to have my flashlight on while my pistol is drawn, or even a knife in my offhand to sink into a zombie's brainstem. Combining Magazines I have two clips; one with 4 bullets, one with 3. The capacity is 7. WHY NOT!? *edit* Better yet, make ammo and magazines separate items, and make magazines more rare. Slower, more numerous zombies that only die from headshots Yeah. I said it. Slower, easier to aggro, and they only die completely from a blow to the head. Way more intense. I'll add more in edits, I'm losing focus.
  7. Dabaroony

    Need help!

    May I ask why?
  8. Dabaroony

    Gimp pistols

    This topic is nonsense. OP argues that because there are better guns in the game, that these so-called "gimp pistols" have no purpose. I can't even call this "flawed logic", because that would suggest that there is any logic to it at all.
  9. Dabaroony

    Epinephrine autoinjector

    Already in game, pretty much worthless.
  10. Dabaroony

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    Made me giggle noticeably at work.
  11. Dabaroony

    Wasteland is my new dayz

    Overboard, bro. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. No matter how difficult to read it is.
  12. Dabaroony

    What Linux

    I believe the proper word would be Linuses (lin-uh-seez).
  13. Dabaroony

    DayZ Mod Update

    That's the big Shyamalan twist ending to DayZ: EVERYONE'S DEAD.
  14. Half the vehicles in the game don't look like they would have locks on the doors, let alone alarms.
  15. Dabaroony

    Control Function for New Epeen

    Buy a Windows keyboard.
  16. Dabaroony

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I think my DNA was just altered.
  17. Dabaroony

    DayZ Mod Update

    While rocket is working on the standalone, the mod is being developed by a community team. Do you realize your talking about DayZ when you mention frustrating content? Also, cry more.
  18. Dabaroony

    DayZ Mod Update

    I haven't played in over a month waiting for this update. Hooray.
  19. Well there's your problem. You're using a shitty laptop. I have a R7870 and an AMD A6 3670 (not exactly a performer, I know) and I struggle occasionally, although that's on Very High settings. If you wanna play, you're have to upgrade to a better rig.
  20. Dabaroony

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Fucking this.
  21. Dabaroony

    Why banditing?

    I was under the impression that "survival" meant "wanton murder". My bad. Therapy. Or an ESL course.
  22. Dabaroony

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Seattle, please.