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Posts posted by cartmanger

  1. hi admin.

    there are some problems on IE #11 again.

    a guy spawned AI soldiers with silenced weapons, a heli copter and an ammo crate, right on the road in victorin.

    i checked the corpses next to the helicopter, it said "unknown killed by unknown" or something, i captured it with fraps but dont know how to upload it.

    after trying to vanish the corpses i got shot by a sniper.

    are about 10 AI soldier corpses, but with bandit skins.


  2. hi admin,

    my guys and me ( 7 guys) got attacked by a group of which at least one guy used hacks on IE #10 just a few hours ago.

    hackers name could propably be "Baus" since he was answering via sidecoms after we called our killer "hacker" . they were driving in a black van and teleported.

    later we found another/same black not enterable van, though it looked pretty much good in shape.



  3. no reason to call me idiot, though. it wasnt me alone who called you guys using hacks, but i also apologized yesterday for thinking loud that you guys might use hacks.

    so please, dont be ignorant. you would have thought the same if you had seen it through my eyes.

    nevertheless, it was a fun night, hope we wont get in any shootouts again, though :D

    the reason btw, why i started to fire on you, was because you guys said "dont mess with my truck" or something. show some respect :D

    also i agree with the death messages.

  4. if u were the guys in the blue van that we blew up, u then killed us a few times, with a DMR? while we was being dumb driving around if you are saying i was hacking, when i killed you on the hill (in the gilli) your crazy, it took me 20 mins to run from the race track to get back an all i had was a AK74, your guys with our big jeep got me in the end, then the server went to crap with planes flying around. But 1 of my pals got banned to, but bouh sorted that out with the admin, thanks btw, but all in all was a good fight last night......really do wish death messages showed when u died etc would be so much easyer to spot the hackers an report the names to admin, all in all best lingor server out there atm, been playing it a couple of weeks now!

    thats nonsense.

    i killed you and your friends several times, and you kept arriving in about 3-5 minutes everytime. and with saying that my friend stole your truck, he didnt, he was still walking to this position.

    you killed my friend in the car, with 2 laser red bullets, the car exploded instantly. you arrived with a bus, with a white pick up truck, a big blue truck... and then, some guys spawned jets on the server, and you got banned some moments later. that looks obvious to me.

    it was fun though, because you walked quite... inexperienced over the field, was easy to shoot you. thats why i was wondering why you guys kept coming with heavy MGs and camo suits...

    @ admin, thanks.

  5. Dear admin.

    Me and my friend (ingame names are Robin and Snake) were playing several days now on your server.

    We managed to repair a helicopter and a car, then, the server did a complete restart, everything was gone.

    We had, like everyone else, nothing. But we kept on playing on your server.

    Then, yesterday, we managed to repair 2 other cars, got attacked by hackers, lost everything again.

    So we started again,... and got killed by other hackers later again... so we started again... i left the server for some minutes after i found some good tools again, after rejoining, i spawned in a sandsack square, i was trapped. my friend rejoined aswell and spawned there, too. i wrote via sidechat and asked an admin for help, he came, spawned a car in this square and told us to get in there, so we did, then he teleported the car to an airfield, cant tell exactly which one it was. he said, you can have everything back what you lost because of the hackers and apologizied for the issues. he spawned us a weapon box and 3 backpacks and disappeared again. Ofc we took these things and waitied at the ammo crate for the admin to despawn the crate again, so nobody else can take things. he didnt come, so we destroyed the ammo crate and the admin car and logged of.again.

    and now.... WE are banned. after all this sh**.... me and my friend got banned..... i also made a video after my friend and me started to think that it wasnt an admin who helped us, more like a hacker who helped us. but as we tried to rejoin, we spawned in the sandsack square again.

    this all happend on IE #11 btw. On my video, i also captured the Player list.
