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About borlaq

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. borlaq

    Tips against hackers

    But having to scroll trough logs to look for what i find to be "Suspicious" takes so much time, aswell that is very innacurate. Is there any prevantive measures that can be done?
  2. Ok, so i am currently running a private hive, and as with all other servers, punk ass kids are ruining it with hacks. I am desperatly needing some tips on how to deal with these. I currently ban 10-15 ppl a week due to suspicious logs, but as it is now, i would rather just terminate my server due to all the extra work there is. Any tips would be much appreciated.
  3. borlaq

    Private Hive editing

    Thanks for the reply! The thing is though, that it is still not working. I already had 5 heli spawn points and i put the spawn min to 5, yet i still only have 1 heli on the server. But i guess i could manually add the vehicles in the DB, but i was hoping that there was an easier way to do so.
  4. Ok, so i am currently running a Private hive server. In the previous patch, i doubled the vehicle spawns in the db_spawn_vehicles.pl file, and that worked like a charm. Then comes patch 1.7.3, and this is not that simple anymore. I tried to increase the "limit_min" and "limit_max" in the "vehicle" database, but that seems to have been to no result. Can i get any input on how this is done now? Any help is much appreciated!
  5. Sounds interesting. Not able to find you on skype though. Add me, h3llsh0t1 I would love to get some more info about this.