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Everything posted by blaink

  1. We are looking for mature, responsible players who enjoy playing with like-minded people. Bring your clan mates, groups of buddies, or come solo and make some new friends. SERVER INFORMATION IP:Port: Map: DayzChernarus Server Package: DayZ Bliss (care packages, static spawns) Host: Joe's Data Center Location: Kansas City Player Slots: 50 Max Ping: 250 Rules: * No Hacking/Duping/Exploiting * No VoIP in Side Chat (use vent) * No griefing or being an a$$hole in general Restarts every 4 hours. Starter Package: Standard We also host an open 50 slot ventrilo server. ​website: www.bluedotshive.com VENTRILO INFORMATION arsenic.typefrag.com:8067 Rules: Please enable push-to-talk, no one under 18
  2. thanks for the feedback. visit the site (www.bluedotshive.com) to read about gun swaps we've made and other general private hive information and how-to's. We look forward to seeing more people on the server!