I am looking for true partner(s) as well as a [private] hive to play on regularly--so far I've just been server hopping, trying to find one with a decent community, activity, and reliability. I've only been playing a short while, but I tend to pick up games fairly quickly once I get in them. So I'd like to think I have a decent grasp of things now. I've been sticking with Namalsk exclusively, so far, to learn it like the back of my hand. I tend to be fairly neutral. I try to maintain friendliness, but 99% of other players I come across don't make that an easy task. Seems to me that having a good partner or a few will only help to increase odds of survival. I've been flying solo so far simply because I haven't come across anyone I can trust enough to team up with, and while playing solo has been a good learning experience, team play is what I'd really like to get into. I'm CST, and I tend to stay rather busy IRL, but I manage to get in a good amount of game time regardless. I have a mic/headset.