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Everything posted by Froddoyo

  1. Froddoyo

    Clips, Magazines, CLIPAZINES

    I think having a more simple system would be better. lets say you have have some clips, after reloading and popping zombies and a couple of survivors you got these. ak mag. 25 rounds ak mag. 10 rounds ak mag. 5 rounds ak mag. 28 rounds Total rounds: 68 So you have a bunch of unorganized clips. WHAT IF, just.. follow me here. what if a person could right click the mag and simply click "Organize ammo" The character than does his animation for 5 seconds. then bam you then have ak mag. 30 rounds ak mag. 30 rounds ak mag. 8 rounds Total rounds: 68 simple.
  2. Froddoyo


    Why not do a map of zoidberg? Kidding. I think any map would be great honestly, the more maps, the more different kinds of gameplay experience you can have. I think large tall buildings would be fun, like Vorkuta in namalsk, but bigger buildings with more advanced interiors, taller, larger, nicer, more quantity of buildings. A full cold snow map would be cool to. kind of like namalsk but your fighting the extreme cold at all times.
  3. **Ok. before i say anything. once i am able to join my ping is always stable and my game works perfectly fine!!!*** When I try to join any servers with a decent amount of players (About 20+) i am given a ping kick while trying to join the server. I usually have to retry about 20 times, also waiting like 2 full minutes to see if the server will kick me or not.(if you thought the loading/joining screen was horrible as it is, try my situation) This is REALLY starting to annoy me due to the fact that once im in game I NEVER get ping kicked. it only happens while trying to join. WHY? Is there a possible fix. P.S- While playing at my brothers, which is extremely fast internet,(25mbps, usually 60 ping) i never get this. MY internet usually has around 100 ping but why would it jump extremely high while joining a server?
  4. Froddoyo

    Ping kicked when trying to join.

    I use dayz commander. and usually have all the servers loaded before hand. Whenever it fails to connect I then retry using the orignal arma ii OA multiplayer list, and just filter by the server name.
  5. My first suggestion has to do with ejecting on vehicles. Today me and brother had a SUV and I somehow by accident selected the eject button from the middle mouse selection. I think i went to go press enter to type (Cause im used to other games like warz and a couple other games were typing uses enter) while I unknowingly had the middle mouse selection on the eject function. It would be really nice to see a second display on that selection saying Eject, then under neath with a yes or no. Without this, many people are dying for a pretty stupid reason. You wouldnt just accidentally pull the door handle open and jump out. My second suggestion has to do with the thirst, and how it works, originally you just drink when your thirsty and it brings your thirst to full. In real life, even with a zombie apocalypse, would you always chug a coke right off? No, unless your just hardcore or something. If a system was made so that you can take gradual drinks. but then again you cant just gear a open pop can, well in reality you probably wouldnt do that, pehaps a different kind of pop form such as a bottled coke? One drink would not fill your thirst metre, but as drinks can be taken it gains. So in a case were you would be really thirst you would have to take like 5 drinks (lets for example say every bottle lasts for 5 drinks) before become quenched. Thought these might be good ideas for making a more realistic gameplay Thats what this games about right? Or I am just to high to think? congrats Colorado and Washington. Have fun with it. ;)
  6. Froddoyo

    Eject prompt & More Realistic drinking

    Legalization of marijuana.
  7. Same here, absolutely no reply on mine, with the same problem.
  8. To make it quick and simple. I can play the game, fully functioning and perfect while at my brothers. I get home, and all i get is a endless screen saying loading on it. It will always work at my brothers but when I get home and connect to my own internet (which i can play any other game normally on) It just gives the endless loading screen. Is this a Nat issue or a certain port i must open? side note: other games always give me a strict Nat and trust me, if i go into the router settings and try to open the Nat my internet completely stops working. why, I have no clue... Should it stop working? No.. welcome to my horrible life were technology is EMP'd by me touching them all the time. I am able to open certain ports when needed though.