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Everything posted by East

  1. East

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    You know what, it seems you might be right. I haven't been able to see my server (remotely hosted linux box, running DayZServer_x64.exe via WINE) at all since I created it 16 hours ago. I read your post, then created a SSH tunnel to my server, and BAM just like that I can now see it in the server list.
  2. East

    Dedicated Server does not show up

    So how does this work exactly then? If I bring the server down, and then back up, is it another 20 hour wait?
  3. East

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Q: What is being done to prevent server hopping on public servers ruining the loot economy? Admittedly I don't have any data to support my claim that server hopping ruins the economy of public servers, but I don't see how there aren't extremely harmful consequences to being able to visit parallel universes and bring as much loot as you can carry, repeatedly, to your own universe. It must completely mess up any kind of balance measures the CLE has, and even if it would take "imported" items in tents into consideration, making them natively spawn less on the server, this would still cause severe imbalance against those who don't server hop for gear, right? Have you had any talks about perhaps making every server a private hive one?
  4. Does anyone know where I can get the password to the private SE 9 ( server? I used to play a lot on there because there was always action going on there with lots of different clans going at it and I had a pretty sweet camp there, but now it's gone private and I have no idea where to get the password. Is there a community somewhere that is attached to this server where I can ask?
  5. From my experience that's not the case. I've disconnected a few times when in the air and ended up on the ground when reconnecting. We've also had the server restart on us (vilayer being stupid as usual) and we all ended up safely on the ground afterwards.
  6. omfgitsfrag, this could ruin some of your fun, but organize yourselves, get a GPS for each member, and do a co-ordinated grid by grid search of the north, and west, and you'll come across all those lost vehicles. Don't even have to do it all at once, just assign a strip of longitude or latitude to each member and they can do it whenever they have the time. Works almost too well.
  7. What you don't understand is that having all the cool stuff doesn't make the game more fun. Quite the opposite. We're a big group that have all the good things in the game, from vehicles to equipment and loot. Does this make the game more fun? No, most of us in the group agree that the game was more fun when we were just starting out and we had played for weeks without even hearing an ATV. Now that these things have become commonplace, they have lost their charm, it's become a game of just maintaining your position at the top, which is mainly a lot of hard work and not much pure survivalist fun. We have even taken vehicles and driven them down to Elektro and Cherno just so more people will be driving around in our vehicles, like we do, instead of just parking them in one place, but those vehicles are of course never seen again as someone just parks them on the map border somewhere. On the rare occasions when someone other than us comes driving in a vehicle, the game is pure fun and excitement once more. Trust me when I say that us in groups who have "everything" is not playing a more fun game than you who struggle to get by.
  8. East

    Items duplicating

    We have a huge abandoned camp on our server that have tents that respawn lots of good stuff each restart (AS50s, L85s, M4 SD, etc), and we think that the regulars on our server go there and gear up after they have died. Even satchel charges won't get rid of the tents permanently.
  9. Everyone should host a DayZ server for a week and then see if their opinions change. Mine sure did...
  10. East

    EU 4 & EU 39

    Unable to log in all day here, to stops at loading with background sounds. 93635
  11. Bittereinder, I read through all those 52 pages when trying to get it to work, but no luck. Thought Comodo was blocking the process, but even after uninstalling it, it wouldn't work. Going to find some other game/simulator to try it on to see if it's Arma 2's fault, or something I'm doing wrong, generally, with it.
  12. The PS3 Eye webcam seems to be recommended for tracking use, and it's dirt cheap on Amazon/ eBay.
  13. East

    tent placement

    It's possible to place them in forests where it's slanting pretty decently. I usually hide my tents this way outside Berezino in the forest to the west, among some ferns. Seems to help that you look down along the slope. Keep trying, take one step, try and pitch the tent, one step, try, step, try, and so on until it goes up.
  14. East

    Where can I find wild animals?

    I often stumble upon wild boars in the forests, but they can be difficult to spot if you're running and not paying attention, as they don't move a whole lot there (if at all).
  15. Does this actually work in Arma II? I've tried versions 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7, but Arma II doesn't detect it once it's running. Options show Freetrack as available, and it's enabled. FaceTrackNoIR works perfectly and tracks my head at a steady 30fps.