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Everything posted by zarunil

  1. zarunil

    Banned for no reason

    I am the server administrator of DayZ Finnsnes, and I have not banned you personally. You must have been banned by BattlEye. Edit: I should say that my server does not use the outdated community ban list.
  2. While I'm all for trading and cooperative play, I don't believe a "safe zone" is the way to go about it.
  3. zarunil

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    Someone is always going to find something to complain about. Sheesh. This game has a million things that needs fixing. This isn't one of them, seriously.
  4. The fact that I can lose everything in a second is what makes the game interesting. I cannot trust anyone except my friends on TeamSpeak. The penalty of death is so harsh, it dictates the way I play. Because of this mechanic most people tend to shoot first and ask questions later, including myself. I can see how this is problematic, and I understand the OP's frustration when dieing. However, if I died it was because I was foolish or unlucky, usually the former. I learn from my death and it won't happen again, thus increasing my chance of survival. I would like to see more cooperation between survivors, but not if the cost is making the game easier and more "casual".
  5. My favorite common weapon is the CZ 550. The Lee Enfield takes second place.
  6. zarunil

    EpicNL Server: connection failed

    My brother and I can't connect to those servers either. We're Norwegian.
  7. zarunil

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    Worked fine for me on 1.6.0. After my FPS dropped and it's way too risky to play now. Anyone without FPS-drop will have a huge advantage over me. Specs: 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM i7 3610QM CPU @ 2.3GHz GeForce GTX 670M Even at lowest settings it is stuttery, whereas before the patch it was silky smooth at high. Least stuttery out in the wilderness, in particular away from forests.
  8. I once killed a Survivor on the beach for his Makarov mags, bandages, water and beans. In my defense I had just respawned myself. Even so, killing fresh Survivors is low. @Rabbican: there is a special place reserved for you in hell, I am sure. :P
  9. The game, for me at least, would be boring without banditry.
  10. zarunil

    FPS issue since the hotfix

    Same here, FPS down from silky smooth to a stuttery mess. Not going to bore you with the specs.
  11. zarunil

    Spawn unconscious, no hourglass timer

    I always respawn unconscious with the hourglass now, and I slowly bleed to death. I can't play. I sent a message to the devs, will let you know how things go.