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Everything posted by dimi_1812@hotmail.com

  1. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Modding weapons

    like it says above it would be nice to find components in the map to upgrade/change your current weapon. they would be hard to find,and also depends on weapon. ex: you could find a makarov silencer around in houses,but like the gun is common,so the silencer would rare for this weapon. or you could simply get a flashlight on it like the G17. another example would be the SAW machinegun. they are verry rare,so a finding a red dot scope or something similar (Bipod) would be nice. but they would be extremely rare then. also you cant not use more then 2 upgrades on your weapon. for example for an assault rifle,you could instal a flashlight,silencer,scope etc,but only 2 at a time,you would still be able to take of an upgrade to replace with another one.
  2. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Modding weapons

    or a heatseeking crowbar :D
  3. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    no,keep the barbwire
  4. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Hexplore, YourNightmere spawning weapons

    thats what people insinuate, they want to strike fear into your heart xD seems they fail for me,but not for you. keep faith. BE is striking cheaters hard.
  5. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Hexplore, YourNightmere spawning weapons

    as far i can see they only have them, aswell the forum is telling you will NOT get banned for picking up hacked weapons. i picked up some days ago one aswell,aswell i picked up a m4cco sd grenade launcher. besides they both have a tag when i picked them up,so perhaps there new weapons keep adding in for the people to keep varity, aswell even if they are spawned they would be banned,cause BE easely take out the weapon spawners,im not talking about the vehicles,since on my server vehicle spawning keeps being a problem,but weapon spawners,BE have no mercy with. kind regards,
  6. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Spawned heli flying over electro - 27.6.2012 1:40am~ GMT+2

    the hacker shas been found and banned. kind regards,
  7. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    You were expelled from the game

    i checked upon this. recently the server has been attacked by hackers. when searching the logs i found suspicious scripts. ( wich after confirmation seemed to be hacks) so i banned the persons ( to be exact there where 2 ) from it,and pasted the lines to the devs in mail along with the id's of GUID of the players. aslogn i dont get message from the devs to revert it it will stays like this. so if someone whas on your account i am verry sorry for you,like i say,until the devs say it otherwhise you are not welcome anymore on belgium 1,aswell we have anti flood control when you stay afk to long in lobby room you get kicked,aswell the server locks itself if it has 6 people inside lobby room. Kind regards,
  8. dimi_1812@hotmail.com


    Since the boats are a bitten the forgotten vehicles i guess -i would like to suggest that boats could have some storage slots, for example the small boats like half of the car slots and the PBX like 2-3 weapon slots and some addditional for ammo ans food. -also you lose way to fast temperature in it,i know at sea its a bit cold sometimes,but i would suggest to let your temperature stays the same,you aint wet anyway when in a boat. -and perhaps to add 1 faster boat,faster then the small boats and slower then the PBX. sorry if there whas a thread about this already.
  9. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    "SG" Team using the hospital roof glitch

    shouldn't the side channel be of? only direct and veh channel i guess there whas
  10. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Belgium 1 Passworded

    indeed BE1 and BE 2 are whole different servers we try to do our best to have belgium 1 running as good as possible for the people and once in a while when updating/ people crapping around on it,it can make crash the server wich need to be maintainanced for you guys to keep playing on it. for the people who believe in this thanks.
  11. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Belgium 1 Passworded

    yes we where in it,yes it whas locked, cause atm it keep crashing every 2 minutes so thats why its locked so people dont overflow it why we try to get it up againt. kind regards
  12. dimi_1812@hotmail.com

    Hack teleport : Dragos

    we will check the logs and provide them to the devs if needed.