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Everything posted by shankly1985

  1. 1. Optimization 2. More Guns 3. More types zombies
  2. Done :) hands down best Mod
  3. shankly1985

    Standalone could slip to 2013

    Fuck Console. If anyone from Console wants DAYZ let them go and buy/build a PC, I have said this couple times if the devs can pull of some of the ideas they have for DAYz, the game will sell PC's. Make this please PC only and use the PC hardware to want us gamers need.
  4. Just catching up on alot of Dayz standalone Q&A on youtube and Dean speaks about virus spreading between players. Don't you think it would be great if you never treated the virus your player ends up turning into a zombie? Just started playing Day-z and wow I have missed alot, SA can't come any sooner :)
  5. shankly1985

    Dayz SA virus spreading (idea)

    Thanks New around here :)
  6. shankly1985

    FPS Drops Advice

    Am running a high end system and I getting very bad FPS drops into 30's on this game is it normal? Is everyone suffering poor performance? Settings 1080p on both Res No AA Shadows High Post Process Disabled Texture very High Anisotropic Filtering very High Objects and Terrain very High Also done the .CFG edit changing GPU to 1 not sure if there is anything else I can do? CPU and GPU are Overclocked CPU 4.4ghz and GPU 1100/1500
  7. shankly1985

    FPS Drops Advice

    WoW following that guide My FPS didn't drop passed 55fps :) Was in and out decent size towns also can't tell you the name of the towns tho lol not used to were about I am on the map etc yet. Highly recommend trying that guide guys.
  8. shankly1985

    FPS Drops Advice

    Thanks for that, looks like a great guide will enter them setting in later and see how it performs :)
  9. shankly1985

    FPS Drops Advice

    Hello Astro yes from PS3 fourm mate :) You think it might be better if I set game to limit 2 cores?
  10. Hello just bought Arma 2 CO and I have only downloaded and installed arma 2 witch is version 1.10. Do I need to install the game patches now or should I download and install OA first? Also I see the latest version is 1.62 how do I get to this version, must I install all patches from 1.10 to 1.62? Thanks
  11. shankly1985

    Bought the game Patching advice.

    Installed Day-z commander that done it all for me. What a superb program haa
  12. shankly1985

    Bought the game Patching advice.

    Thanks guys just download OA
  13. shankly1985

    Bought the game Patching advice.

    Thanks didn't think that would download the patches :) Ok So I just install the other part of game AO and use Dayz commander. Thanks mate
  14. Hello guys Have the devs said anything about how they going to stop hackers for the new version? I really would like to get Day-z but the fact its flawed with Hackers really puts me off. Am hoping they can really close this version down from Modding and hacking. What you guys thing?
  15. shankly1985

    Day-z Standalone Hackers?

    Thanks nice post. Really looking forward to this game.
  16. shankly1985

    Day-z Standalone Hackers?

    Sorry guys Forum went slow and I kept pressing post till it refreshed. It most off posted each one :(