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Everything posted by drumsetjunky

  1. drumsetjunky

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    I really like 3rd person view in this game. Usually it is the only way I play. Sometimes because you are looking at a three dimensional space on a two dimensional screen, situational awareness can suffer. I know that for some immersion is lost in 3rd person view. But you don't have to use it. KEEP IT!
  2. drumsetjunky

    Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

    I really like this idea. Very neat...I'd love to play as a Doctor. I think this could encourage more player interaction/grouping. It would be fun even just to test this out. ^_^ /ItsALPHA /DealWithItTillAfterBeta
  3. drumsetjunky

    game breaking fps drop

    I have had this issue since 1.7 across all servers. I originally thought that servers were the source of the issue and so I didn't worry too much about it especially since .1 and .2 were all messed up as far as their respective issues. But yeah doesn't matter what server I am on the problem follows me. I have all the latest ARMA 2 patches installed as of yesterday(haven't checked today). I also have X64 Vista Ult. running on my machine with 8 gigs of ram a dual core cpu running at 3.5gHz, a recently defragged HDD, and a ATi 7600 series gpu.
  4. drumsetjunky

    game breaking fps drop

    I get them everywhere. Cities' date=' forests, etc... I do notice a measured increase of the FREQUENCY of the FPS drops while in the cities but overall its not even playable anymore. To put a timetable on this this FPS "freeze/drop" issue has been on-going for me since 1.7+ [hr'] I DO NOT wish to come off as another one of the whiny players that is just mad about game changes.... I actually really enjoy the Alpha process, testing out the experiments Rocket has for us each week is a delight. But with the particular issue I'm having I can't get a reliable enough game play experience to be able to provide feedback! HELP!
  5. drumsetjunky

    game breaking fps drop

    I am in the same boat. I use to be able to get a reliable 30-40+ FPS with all my settings maxed out ON A GOOD SERVER. I get drastic FPS drops while moving about in game now no matter what server I'm on no matter what settings I use. I've tried defragging my hard drive because I heard that could help but the issue still remains. Getting FPS drops that literally freeze the screen every minute or so is just so damn frustrating. Anyone encounter/fix this?
  6. drumsetjunky

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I walked through Cherno in a verrrry low pop server and all I found in just about EVERY loot spawn was tin cans, etc... This went on for a couple hours and even noticed the same thing on across multiple servers. I don't know if this was intended or if it is a BUG. The reason I say this is because when I looted a medical box that had 1 painkiller in it and when I returned every box that I had emptied was FULL of blood bags, epi-pens, bandages, etc.... After this I would completely empty a loot spawn area of tin cans and later return. Almost every time I would find fresh GEAR. Ammo, weapons, food, etc... Maybe there is a tin can bug?
  7. drumsetjunky loot patterns

    I walked through Cherno in a verrrry low pop server and all I found in just about EVERY loot spawn was tin cans, etc... This went on for a couple hours and even noticed the same thing on across multiple servers. I don't know if this was intended or if it is a BUG. The reason I say this is because when I looted a medical box that had 1 painkiller in it and then returned every box that I had emptied was FULL of blood bags, epi-pens, bandages, etc.... After this I would completely empty a loot spawn area of tin cans and later return. Almost every time I would find fresh GEAR. Ammo, weapons, food, etc... Maybe there is a tin can bug?
  8. drumsetjunky

    Rocket, slow down.

    Although I get the OP's point about this not being a normal Alpha with all the attention this mod has gotten. It doesn't change the fact that it is still Alpha(sorry to be a broken record OP). I LOVE the fact that the game can change so much overnight. Yes sometimes it breaks things(but they are usually fixed within a matter of hours). But I look forward to each cycle of features/experiments that Rocket has for us. The reason why you get frustrated with the development cycle is the reason WHY I STICK AROUND. I've also been a part of testing an Alpha build before and let me tell you this is normal. I'm actually kind of dreading the day that this goes into beta and things really calm down and are more flushed out. I think it would be prudent to have a few PUBLIC pre-roll out servers that people could test the newest/experimental builds that Rocket is conjuring up. This way Rocket could see what things are working before throwing them out to the entire raving hordes. Also he could try really far out there things that just come to mind without getting the heat from the community.
  9. drumsetjunky

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Seems that since .2 rolled out I've gotten server disconnects/crashes about once an hour on every .2 server. I've also gotten random FPS drops every few minutes since .1/.2 This is probably related to the loot issues maybe? I like the new direction and things that being tested though! I love the melee weapons, LOS changes, etc... Keep it up Rocket!