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Everything posted by coltonlong

  1. coltonlong

    Poll on KoS and Combat logging

    Man, either we have 17% of people who shouldnt bother playing, or they are just trolls.
  2. coltonlong

    The New Hunting Rifle And Pistol

    I agree with you, actually. As a guy who lives up north, and having been shooting .22 from age 5, I can say that while a .22 CAN BE lethal, it is ALL shot placement. Ive hit red squirrels with a .22 and had them still run up a tree. I actually hit a raccoon in the face with a .22, and he jerked his head back, then looked right the fuck at me. no joke. I gave him another, and he feel out of the tree. But, then again, Ive also had the shot where I put a .22 in a deers skull, and it drops it, immediately. Ive also had shots where I put it through the heart, and it didnt go out the other side. Its all shot placement. but to be honest, .22 is a hunting round. unless you can put enough rounds down range to maim or kill, its not really for combat. (note, when i shot that raccoon, it was late winter, and he was moving slow, so I figure that I hit the brain in a freak nonlethal way, or that somehow the shock (or the cold) overrid the brain damage. Who knows. ._.)
  3. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    So my Dayz is now downloading a 774 MB patch. (Its automatic, due to high priority setting.) It is about halfway done, which means its brand spanking new. Anyone know what we're getting???? :D
  4. Ok, so i found a gorgeous spotter .22, but no magazine. Its basically a piece of shit single shot break action right now for all intents and purposes. Can anyone tell me where I can get a magazine?
  5. coltonlong

    The New Hunting Rifle And Pistol

    Ok, so I can say for having gone through a whole box of .22 ammo with my sporter, and half that much with the MK3, I have only had one instance where my sporter took two headshots to down a zed. Doesnt mean its right, but hey, Alpha man. On the up side, ninja stealth mode engaged when no one can hear the shots! The sporter is quiet, The mk3 is perfectly quiet. (for a gun, I mean)
  6. coltonlong

    Sporter 22 mag?

    Has anyone found a magazine for the new 22lr rifle? i am using mine with a chambered bullet, and the first thought i had was that it was break action. but i figure there might be a mag for it now too.
  7. coltonlong

    Review: Sporter 22

    I gotta say, the new .22 weapons work great for me. headshots are rightfully kills, everytime, and the sound and accuracy seems pretty spot on. Desync on the experimental servers is getting to be a bit on the bullshit side though.
  8. coltonlong

    Sporter 22 mag?

    Ok, thank you very much for the picture. Second order of questioning. Is there a mag for the new ruger internally silenced pistol? I have one now, and its a bit of bugger to have to chamber it repeatedly.
  9. coltonlong

    Review: Sporter 22

    Dont know what you guys are talking about.... Ive had consistent one hit headshots, and im only using it like a single shot, cause i dont have a magazine.... You know its sighted for 50 meters, right?
  10. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    22 LR LETS GO!!!!! YEA!!!
  11. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    Im sure they will, haha.
  12. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    Well it does..... Just because theres naked bambis in electro doesnt mean some of us vets (and i use the term lightly) arent up north going through everything testing what we can!
  13. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    Yup! that sums it up, haha. I NEED the patch notes man!
  14. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    Well gents, Im holding out for better zombies, persistent storage, and of course, PHYSICS! new game entirely with those simple things.
  15. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    CONFIRMED: experimental branch updated to 0.42116002! YEAAA!
  16. coltonlong

    New Patch?

    Mine is set for experimental. OH MAN LETS GO PHYSICS!!!
  17. Actually, I think you can! I heard a person eating on the firestation roof, so i climbed to the first roof, and he was on top of the tower, he saw me, and hid. i only had melee and didnt want to get wrecked by going up. so i waited under the right side ledge, and started hearing "thunk" on the roof top over and over. After about 5 mintues of this, a naked guy came hurtling down to his death. Assuming that he just didnt want to risk dying while logging and suicided, i climbed up to find loot EVERYWHERE. I was syched until I saw everything was ruined or badly damaged, save for his m4. So, i think he used his fire axe to ruin all his items so i couldnt have them.
  18. coltonlong

    V 0.42.115961 on internal Server

  19. I think know that recording youre referencng! The one where the bandit says " If you killed me, you must be a badass, so please take my stash." Then you go to get it and its a weak trap. Beat the traps and theres another recording that goes something like "fine, take them, you dick." Loved that mission.
  20. I say we need a good, rigidly defined body damage system for say concussions, broken bones, punctured lungs, sucking chest wounds, infected cuts from rusty weapons, etc. MOAR MEDICAL STUFFZ!!!
  21. coltonlong

    Leather Jacket

    Ive found like 3 of them in electro. I find them in the garages all the time.
  22. coltonlong

    Fix the loot.

    Well, he could have said "electro".
  23. coltonlong

    will byonets ever come to use?

    yea, i was surprised, but i thoroughly tested it. i think it was the bayonet movements.
  24. coltonlong

    will byonets ever come to use?

    Actually, i have good news for you! i was sitting near a fire (gas stove) testing if it would try my clothes, and when i stood, my guy was holding an invisible gun. when i hit the fire button, my gun made a stabbing movement, then a movement like he was using the end of the gun as a club with an upward swing. very cool shit there.