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Everything posted by tamaster92

  1. I run ARMA II version 99153 which is the newest one available on DayZComannder. As for the server problem, trying filtering for just taviana though there aren't many servers to be honest.
  2. Thank you! I updated the description in the video with a method that seems to fix most crashes, try it!
  3. Thanks bro! Try deleting the map, redownloading and installing it again :)
  4. Hey guys I got a positive reception to my first episode so here is part two! Taviana Island got a update between the episodes and it seems to have caused a few issues. I run into a lot of glitches in this episode but it was still fun over all and besides, Sabina airfield next episode! As always please leave some feedback so I can do my best to make the highest quality content possible and thanks for watching!
  5. What error does it give? or what happens?
  6. Heys guys I started a let's play of the new DayZ map Taviana Island. IT's a super cool map and has lots of custom buildings, textures, landmarks etc. Please give it a watch and leave some feedback!
  7. I presumed he meant chernarus, but awesome. Thanks for the actual specifics, always good to know. Certainly a big larger than i expected, perhaps it's a bit cramped so it feels smaller?
  8. I've heard that but looking at the map a lot of it is open ocean. I think the actual land mass is about the same as Namalsk, split into two islands with a big bridge between them. (the bridge is a complete death trap FYI)
  9. Thank you erorocker, can only quote one person on my phone though sorry :( And as for you I have been playing DayZ and reading these forums since before it was even running under the current forum. I only recently signed back up as I wanted to be part of the standalone discussion. I am NOT sub fishing as I did not even ask people to subscribe, or even like the video in the post. I think taviana is a great map and is very unique. It deserves more attention and to be much more popular. Posting a lets play I am doing on it helps to achieve that goal. Even if people don't click on the thread they will see the title and might later think, oh I remember that taviana map maybe I should check it out. Anyway that's a long ass message so apologies and hope everyone enjoys the video and tries the map out!
  10. Glad to hear it! Who maybe I'll see you in game!
  11. What is wasteland? It sounds pretty cool from that brief description.
  12. My pleasure, just glad I can help people. These custom maps are really keeping the game alive for me until Standalone so figured the more people able to play the better!
  13. Thank you very much! I'm glad it helped and thanks for the asking to be stickied lol. At the risk of shameless self-promotion why don't you check out my other videos and subscribe if you like them? But ya, I'm glad this is helping people to be honest, that's the point after all!
  14. OK so after some research it seems that either; Load up the game without it installed first so it loads into memory then try it or make sure you have spelled it correctly or try redownloading and installing it. If none of this helps post again here and i'll see what I can do!
  15. Hey, thanks for watching! It's actually 1am here so I can't look now but I will find out how to fix it and reply again tomorrow!
  16. tamaster92

    New Map - DayzTaviana is released!

    Ok so apologies if I sound like a noob. How do I get this working if I have DayZ Commander installed? I put it in the right place but when i launch CO its not in the list of mods.. neither are any other custom maps, only dayz itself
  17. tamaster92

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I love this map, thanks for working on it!
  18. tamaster92

    DayZ singleplayer

    I'd like maybe a smaller version of DayZ to be SP, it would be great as a tutorial for new players for veterans to practice more.
  19. tamaster92

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    Yesterday I was in the bunker in Namalsk and heard someone moving around, I looked around for like 10 minutes - nobody there, walk through a doorway and a head pops out from behind a crate and instantly kills me. I damn near jumped out my seat.
  20. tamaster92

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Honestly I usually just shout Friendly on direct chat... doesn't always work,,,
  21. Hey guys, I'm new to actually posting on these forums but have been reading and playing a while now. Anyway I just wanted to quickly post my let's play finale here in the hopes its of interest to some of you. I'd appreciate any and all feedback so please watch and then comment here or on the video and if you like what you watched then watch the rest and maybe, just maybe, subscribe!